This is odd but I installed the new version on my work iMac which is on Mountain Lion and it's INSANELY fast and no crashes. Its been almost 2 hours of usage and no crashes or slowdowns... -_-
Is there a bug in our database for these performance issues. If not can some one submit on and everyone put your information in that bug and we will start looking into it.
Just a really annoying FYI. If we accidentally submit an update and need to make changes we can't. Since the new iTunesConnect doesn't seem to allow you to change the Version number, nor can we submit another Binary with the same Version number. Only loophole is the Build Number. Seeing as you don't allow us to input a Build Number... no fix.
@jonmulcahy said:
BlackCloakGS I've had some big issues importing some CSVs today, it keeps crashing gamesalad on both new and old projects. I created a bug here:
@iamcartez said:
This is odd but I installed the new version on my work iMac which is on Mountain Lion and it's INSANELY fast and no crashes. Its been almost 2 hours of usage and no crashes or slowdowns... -_-
This might not be the case but i've had huge performance issues before when ive had the android sdk installed..
Test it out by renaming the android-sdk folder via finder to something else (android-sdk-test). then reload gamesalad.
@FallacyStudios said:
Just a really annoying FYI. If we accidentally submit an update and need to make changes we can't. Since the new iTunesConnect doesn't seem to allow you to change the Version number, nor can we submit another Binary with the same Version number. Only loophole is the Build Number. Seeing as you don't allow us to input a Build Number... no fix.
You can scroll down and add a new version number where it says build and add new binary I've had to do that a few times.
@viking said:
To be fair, I appreciate all the hard work that has gone into releasing 12.10, but I have to say that this version of the Creator is really, really slow when working in large and complex projects. Scrolling is painfully choppy in the actor windows and I spend 20% of my precious development time waiting for the little loading wheel to finish when switching between scenes and actors. The previous version was much faster.
In addition, the memory leak that balloons my project from 180Mb to 500Mb in 10 scene changes is really frustrating. I know that BlackCloakGS wrote that they would not be fixing the memory leak for 12.10, but as it is now I can't test my game on the device as I crash out of memory after 12 levels and therefore can't play through the remaining 2/3 of my project. Game development is hard enough without these kind of issues and working with this new version just makes me sad
I agree--I have to restart the creator WAY more often now and I feel like a good chunk of my development time is spent loading actors/scenes If this is considered a major issue I think this is the biggest priority rather than having 2 products that arent up to par, hope to see some fixes within the next few weeks
@BlackCloakGS Thanks for all the effort put into the latest version, but it seems that it is actually a step backwards in regards to performance. I started running Yosemite probably around RC 12.8 or 12.9 and got a massive cut in performance while scrolling through behaviors in actors. It became very choppy with no fluidity like I was sorta getting while running mavericks. Even then I was getting the rainbow beachball massively after working for around 45 minutes! But now with Yosemite and stable release 12.10 I get 20 minutes of work done before having to quit and restart because of the slowness... Something is wrong here. I think the performance issues should take top priority in cases like this, not just bringing Windows users up to date with the same sluggish performance displayed on macs. I'm glad your bringing out performance fixes in nightly's though! I almost want to buy pro early to get some relief which I wasn't going to buy until my project neared completion.
On a different note I tried signing my app for a new ad hoc build several times today and GS crashed every time it got to the select an output folder part forcing me to restart the process. This was using chrome. So after having no luck with chrome I switched to safari and boom it worked on the first try. I've done all my ad hoc builds with chrome prior to this, so not sure if it's on GS's side or chrome's. Anyway just wanted to let you devs know.
In conclusion I just want to thank the entire GS team for the amount of hard work you have put in on this awesome program! And even though there are performance issues to be fixed I still consider this to be the best thing since sliced bread! I look forward to the future updates and please forgive me if I complained too much!
I have added doing a performance pass to the list of things to do for mac 0.13. If you are getting crashes please submit them in the public bug database so we can start looking into them.
@BlackCloakGS said:
I have added doing a performance pass to the list of things to do for mac 0.13. If you are getting crashes please submit them in the public bug database so we can start looking into them.
I'll try and pin down exactly how to reproduce it so I can submit a bug report, but GameSalad still crashes under certain circumstances while adding/removing images from the image library. Will trawl through the bug database and see if it's already mentioned.
The game I made just shows black screen forever when a Chartboost ad is supposed to show. This is when there is no internet connection. With internet, ads shows up fine.
I'm sticking with 0.11.13. It was a good vintage. Hoping to be able to upgrade to a newer version of GS soon, but this doesn't sound like the one to go for!
All the best with reporting bugs, users, and fixing bugs, GS!
So when should we be expecting the new night build? I heard the performance fixes are being work on in the nightly. Right now the latest version of Mac Creator is hanging after 20 mins of development.. ughhhh
But as always, great job with GS for keep pushing forward.
Anyone else notice crashing with Chartboost in iOS? I've found that Change Scene and Reset Scene behaviours both crash when the X (close ad) is tapped more than once (as impatient users will do). The part that encourages this behaviour is that the Ad remains visible after tapping the X, until the scene has finished loading. So the user will think that their initial tap failed, and do it again... causing the crash (jumps out to desktop).
I think this is pretty serious, as it destroys the credibility of the game. I turned Chartboost off and my inapp purchases went up. Clearly people weren't buying it because they thought the game was unstable. Not a great trade off.
Update. I have been looking into the memory issues yesterday and today. The creator one seem to caused by preview not clean it self up. I have almost gotten all the leaks plug with that. The engine one that some user are seeing I am still looking into.
can't wait to see how faster ver 13 is! Do you guys have an idea of when the custom font will be implemented? I feel like it's a necessity since the regular font is really ugly and dealing with custom fonts is a pain atm. Thank you!
I usually don't complain either but the Creator has been really crashing alot lately and its making developing games for the holiday rush a hassle. || appdore twitter || appdore facebook
This is odd but I installed the new version on my work iMac which is on Mountain Lion and it's INSANELY fast and no crashes. Its been almost 2 hours of usage and no crashes or slowdowns... -_- || appdore twitter || appdore facebook
I never said we would not look at performance for 13. We already have some fixes in our next nightly build.
I am experiencing some performance issues as well on Yosemite. Trying to make the best of it but yes it is frustrating...
Is there a bug in our database for these performance issues. If not can some one submit on and everyone put your information in that bug and we will start looking into it.
Bugs 428 and 442 has already been entered in regards to the performance issues.
@viking QA is looking into it see bugs for more information
Thanks for the update @BlackCloakGS I added more info in the bug database. Hopefully QA will figure out what the problem is.
@BlackCloakGS can you or someone look into bug 445? It is a display issue on iPhone 6 Plus and may also affect iPhone 6.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
Just a really annoying FYI. If we accidentally submit an update and need to make changes we can't. Since the new iTunesConnect doesn't seem to allow you to change the Version number, nor can we submit another Binary with the same Version number. Only loophole is the Build Number. Seeing as you don't allow us to input a Build Number... no fix.
Managed to build my games tonight - yesterday it was a no go. I have submitted two bugs so will see how they go.
@BlackCloakGS I've had some big issues importing some CSVs today, it keeps crashing gamesalad on both new and old projects. I created a bug here:
anyone else seen this?
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My load time for a 77mb project has gone from 1minute on an iphone 5, to 1 minute 40 on an ipad air :S
Gathered, audio is being processed faster but otherwise. This is not good. I can't put this app out, as its a regression. Not an improvement
We are working on getting the next nightly out that has all the big performance changes. This week or next.
@jonmulcahy I've logged for this as well. I saw that someone was looking at this bug today, and confirming it.
Our games
This might not be the case but i've had huge performance issues before when ive had the android sdk installed..
Test it out by renaming the android-sdk folder via finder to something else (android-sdk-test). then reload gamesalad.
cool I updated my bug to link to yours. in my case there was only 100 rows, but i still got it to crash pretty consistently
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
You can scroll down and add a new version number where it says build and add new binary I've had to do that a few times.
I agree--I have to restart the creator WAY more often now and I feel like a good chunk of my development time is spent loading actors/scenes
If this is considered a major issue I think this is the biggest priority rather than having 2 products that arent up to par, hope to see some fixes within the next few weeks
POLAR ROLLOUT (New Line-Drawing Physics Puzzler!) - FREE Download
@BlackCloakGS Thanks for all the effort put into the latest version, but it seems that it is actually a step backwards in regards to performance. I started running Yosemite probably around RC 12.8 or 12.9 and got a massive cut in performance while scrolling through behaviors in actors. It became very choppy with no fluidity like I was sorta getting while running mavericks. Even then I was getting the rainbow beachball massively after working for around 45 minutes! But now with Yosemite and stable release 12.10 I get 20 minutes of work done before having to quit and restart because of the slowness... Something is wrong here. I think the performance issues should take top priority in cases like this, not just bringing Windows users up to date with the same sluggish performance displayed on macs. I'm glad your bringing out performance fixes in nightly's though! I almost want to buy pro early to get some relief which I wasn't going to buy until my project neared completion.
On a different note I tried signing my app for a new ad hoc build several times today and GS crashed every time it got to the select an output folder part forcing me to restart the process. This was using chrome. So after having no luck with chrome I switched to safari and boom it worked on the first try. I've done all my ad hoc builds with chrome prior to this, so not sure if it's on GS's side or chrome's. Anyway just wanted to let you devs know.
In conclusion I just want to thank the entire GS team for the amount of hard work you have put in on this awesome program! And even though there are performance issues to be fixed I still consider this to be the best thing since sliced bread!
I look forward to the future updates and please forgive me if I complained too much!
I have added doing a performance pass to the list of things to do for mac 0.13. If you are getting crashes please submit them in the public bug database so we can start looking into them.
I'll try and pin down exactly how to reproduce it so I can submit a bug report, but GameSalad still crashes under certain circumstances while adding/removing images from the image library. Will trawl through the bug database and see if it's already mentioned.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
The game I made just shows black screen forever when a Chartboost ad is supposed to show. This is when there is no internet connection. With internet, ads shows up fine.
Hey guys can you please give a quick look at my app I'm a first time app maker it would be very helpful for some feedback
I'm sticking with 0.11.13. It was a good vintage. Hoping to be able to upgrade to a newer version of GS soon, but this doesn't sound like the one to go for!
All the best with reporting bugs, users, and fixing bugs, GS!
So when should we be expecting the new night build? I heard the performance fixes are being work on in the nightly. Right now the latest version of Mac Creator is hanging after 20 mins of development.. ughhhh
But as always, great job with GS for keep pushing forward.
Anyone else notice crashing with Chartboost in iOS? I've found that Change Scene and Reset Scene behaviours both crash when the X (close ad) is tapped more than once (as impatient users will do). The part that encourages this behaviour is that the Ad remains visible after tapping the X, until the scene has finished loading. So the user will think that their initial tap failed, and do it again... causing the crash (jumps out to desktop).
I've logged for this bug. I can reproduce it in more than one game on iPad2, iPhone4 and 5.
I think this is pretty serious, as it destroys the credibility of the game. I turned Chartboost off and my inapp purchases went up. Clearly people weren't buying it because they thought the game was unstable. Not a great trade off.
Our games
Have submitted a bug regarding the tableColSum() function under HTML5/Arcade.
The function does not sum up to the endRow supplied.
If you sum up 3 rows, it will only calculate the sum of the first 2, ignoring the last row.
Update. I have been looking into the memory issues yesterday and today. The creator one seem to caused by preview not clean it self up. I have almost gotten all the leaks plug with that. The engine one that some user are seeing I am still looking into.
can't wait to see how faster ver 13 is! Do you guys have an idea of when the custom font will be implemented? I feel like it's a necessity since the regular font is really ugly and dealing with custom fonts is a pain atm. Thank you!