Stable Release - Macintosh GameSalad Creator 0.12.10
Stable Release 0.12.10
- Yosemite and iOS 8 compatibility
- Google Store In-App Purchase compatibility
- New In-App Purchase system and behaviors for iOS, Google, and Amazon
- New selection of GameSalad Templates on the Creator Dashboard
- New iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus game project resolutions for Creator
- Added Resolution Independence support for @3x images
- Added support for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus Custom Loading Images
- Added file encryption for published apps
- RevMob and ChartBoost SDKs updated for iOS 8 and Android
- Fixed Mac App rejections from the App Store
- Removed blank fields on Viewer aspect ratio picker
- Updated Help and Feedback buttons to point towards new URLs
- Fixed Android apps resetting after waking the device up
- Fixed issues with signing Mac Desktop Apps on OSX 10.9.5 or higher
- Updated image loader to try different resolutions as a fallback incase current resolution art is missing.
- Fixed screen rotation not working on iOS 8 devices.
- 0.12.10 Build Note: Fixed Network Table behaviors not displaying data when retrieved from a server (only occurred in previous 0.12 builds)
Note: iOS binaries are now built against the iOS 8 SDK.
See the GameSalad Cookbook for tutorials on using the new IAP system , Google IAP, Amazon IAP and iOS IAP
Thank you
Its like DeJaVu...
Thanks guys. Fingers crossed this side.
Great work !
Thanks for the release I looked forward to using the encryption.
Thank you
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
Check out our other GameSalad exclusives.
Thanks for your hard work!
Nix the Cat: Jump Adventure * Twitter * Facebook
Great stuff, thanks!
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Added a link to our new Amazon IAP tutorial
hug @GSTeam
I love you guys ! Really you are working hard
Appselly Marketplace - Buy & Sell App Source Codes
Congratulations. This really came out of the blue. We know how the GS Team have been slogging away at all the issues and bugs, but I was beginning to think they were insurmountable.
This is better than Christmas morning! 5 (*) Effort
Prepare for no sleep for a while!
Glad to see this update, cheers.
Also forgot to add this release has really good unicode support for tables.
Could someone explain exactly how to convert .gsrcproj files to .gsproj? I have tried several ways and keep getting the same "GameSalad cannot open files in the "com.gamesalad.gsrcproj" format" error message, even though my file extension is .gsproj. Please help. Thank you in advance...
Just change .gsrcproj suffix to .gsproj in the Finder before you open the file.
I appreciate the help. I did exactly what you said, and it still gives me the error i mentioned before. Steps I took: right click file, select Reveal in Finder, single clicked file, changed suffix to gsproj, clicked off file, right clicked file, select Open With, checked Always Open With, select GameSalad (12.10), click Open... And I get the error message every time.
Am I missing something? Thank you in advance...
FIXED!!! I just found a new use for DeepBlueApps 'GS Quick Resize' program. Steps: Open GS Quick Resize, Drag gsrcproj file to app, Change name with gsproj suffix, select destination, click Process. Worked perfectly. Thanks for your assistance, I hope this helps others....
should be .gameproj on mac
Your right... I resaved it as such (.gameproj). Thanks.
Yay GS team! I look forward to every release. Cheers!
Our games
Thanks for Update
Thanks for your hard work!!!!i love you gs team!!
Wow stable release! Thanks GS team! Sleepless nights here I go again..
I just tried to upload using the new application loader and got this error: ERROR ITMS-9000: "The IPA is invalid. It does not include a Payload directory."
I downloaded my app from the publishing server signed it with an App Store Provisioning profile, compressed it and changed the file extension to .ipa uploaded it and half way through it spat out this error. Anyone know what is causing this?
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Why did you change it to .ipa? Just upload the zip file.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
You are right and I don't know what the hell is going on at Apple. I went to upload the same game on the 20th and when I tried to upload the zip file it was greyed out and I couldn't select it. I thought now that Apple has a new uploader and acquired Testflight maybe they changed the extension to ipa so I tried that and it worked and I distributed it through Testflight.
Today it allowed me to select the ipa file and it verified it and commenced the upload process. At some point I got the error above. Now it will once again accept zip files. They make so many changes it becomes an arduous process.
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Yeah its a pain in the butt. But if you ever have to send an .ipa, the correct way is to sign the app, put it in a folder named Payload, then compress it and change it to .ipa
At least thats how it use to be back when i used test flight.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Now that you mention it that's what I did the first time but forgot to do this time so I wonder of I had done that if it would have worked this time? Interesting but I am not going to try it again to find out.
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