@mshuraih said:
how do u change the suffix to gsproj i can t get it to work .. if use right click/more info .. the GS file turns into folder that can not be open by GS .. and just simply changing the name of the file by clicking on it it does not change the extention rather it becomes project.gsproj.gsrcproj
I have this same issue. I have been working on a game with the RC version then I uninstalled that to install this new stable version now and I can't seem to open that app anymore. Simply changing it the file's extention to .gameproj does not work as it says unable to read file. What should I do?
@MoneyButtonZ said:
FIXED!!! I just found a new use for DeepBlueApps 'GS Quick Resize' program. Steps: Open GS Quick Resize, Drag gsrcproj file to app, Change name with gsproj suffix, select destination, click Process. Worked perfectly. Thanks for your assistance, I hope this helps others....
Oh wait, I got it to work now. I thought I was supposed to rename the file inside the folder from .gsproj to .gameproj but actually it was the folder itself that needed renaming.
@Moogus said:
HoneyTribeStudios My submission went through without any probs on iTunesConnect. I had to upload all the images to iTunes Connect as well as in GS.
Thanks for posting. Must be a prob on my end then.
What exactly is the new IAP Request Purchase Data? Is it the thing that prompts the user to login to itunes? The reason I need to know this is because I have a menu for IAPs on every single level in my game. I would find it annoying for the player to be prompted to login to itunes on every single level. I read that you shouldn't have it inside a rule so I won't be able to have it activate when my IAP menu is true therefore the Request Purchase Data will load at the beginning of every level.
I had a dream that a share feature was added in this update that connected with the iPhone share options. All my apps were soaring. Facebook integration, instagram screenshots were flying all over the internet, social media was being utilized. I was in a hot tube with my soul mate. It was awesome.
Then I woke up and twitter was still the only option.
I had the same dream must admit I'm happy with all of the progress though. Nothing left to do but be patient unfortunately!
For anyone else who added multiple localizations so you could have store text in different languages - you now have to add screenshots for each country.
Think that was why I had the error I posted above. So nothing to do with GS.
@iKlazzy mine crashes as soon as IAP - Request Purchase Data runs. I had GS have a good look at it and it is not a GS issue. I can publish the app using another mobile provisioning profile and it works fine. I created a new provisioning profile and it still crashes. I pretty sure this stared after iTune upgraded for iOS 8. Just recently my IAP page disappeared from iTunes. The whole thing has been going on for a couple of weeks. I am waiting for iTunes to get back to me, so far nothing.
@onelasttime are you testing on a device with IOS 8 installed on it using an ad hoc build ? If so you need to go to settings then game center on the IOS device then under developer enable the sandbox option and GC will recognise your app. If you are using IOS7 or an App in production then it might be a bug. Hope this helps. Cheers
@neoman said:
onelasttime are you testing on a device with IOS 8 installed on it using an ad hoc build ? If so you need to go to settings then game center on the IOS device then under developer enable the sandbox option and GC will recognise your app. If you are using IOS7 or an App in production then it might be a bug. Hope this helps. Cheers
Thanks for reply.Yes,if I enable the sandbox option Gamecenter recognise my app but this doesnt explain live app problem,''run rob run'' in production,I tried 2 different ios 8 device(ipad&iphone6) same problem.
I hold the update if I realese I think I'll have the same problem.
@onelasttime then you are better off waiting. I packaged a game with RC 0.12.9 with no issues. It has not been approved yet but it works as expected. The issue might be with the stable release 0.12.10.
To be fair, I appreciate all the hard work that has gone into releasing 12.10, but I have to say that this version of the Creator is really, really slow when working in large and complex projects. Scrolling is painfully choppy in the actor windows and I spend 20% of my precious development time waiting for the little loading wheel to finish when switching between scenes and actors. The previous version was much faster.
In addition, the memory leak that balloons my project from 180Mb to 500Mb in 10 scene changes is really frustrating. I know that @BlackCloakGS wrote that they would not be fixing the memory leak for 12.10, but as it is now I can't test my game on the device as I crash out of memory after 12 levels and therefore can't play through the remaining 2/3 of my project. Game development is hard enough without these kind of issues and working with this new version just makes me sad
@viking I know we have some performance issue (some very severe) to straighten out and we will fix thous issues but the 12 release was not the release to do that in. 0.12 main purpose was to fix iOS 8 , Mac 10.10 compatibility issues and add encryption to protect projects. We had some feature creep and I had to draw a line so we could release 12. We plan on looking into these issue in 13, but 13 first priority is get windows up the feature parity for mac ( which we have put of for almost 6 months or more). I know you are frustrated however, I hope this helps you understand our decisions not to fix performance issues in 12.
Let me get this straight... your acknowledging theres "very severe" performance issues with the latest builds, and your saying they're going to get fixed at some point, but not as a priority?
Surely theres something wrong there? Surely they should be fixed as a priority, then rolled out into the windows update...or surely your just going to end up with both versions having the major issues... and your going to leave your users with the broken version for potentially months (possibly a lot of months)?
That doesn't sound good, or a logical way to continue forward....
Surely bugs and issues of that scale need to be fixed ASAP in micro-patches, not left for months...
@viking said:
To be fair, I appreciate all the hard work that has gone into releasing 12.10, but I have to say that this version of the Creator is really, really slow when working in large and complex projects. Scrolling is painfully choppy in the actor windows and I spend 20% of my precious development time waiting for the little loading wheel to finish when switching between scenes and actors. The previous version was much faster.
In addition, the memory leak that balloons my project from 180Mb to 500Mb in 10 scene changes is really frustrating. I know that BlackCloakGS wrote that they would not be fixing the memory leak for 12.10, but as it is now I can't test my game on the device as I crash out of memory after 12 levels and therefore can't play through the remaining 2/3 of my project. Game development is hard enough without these kind of issues and working with this new version just makes me sad
I have to close GS every 10 minutes in order to get around the slowness as well. It's not as much fun as it used to be. I too hope this is addressed sooner than later.
As for the Scene memory leak, I had this issue as well, and my production game was crashing for lots of users. I believe I worked around it with the suggested solution in the forums, which is to destroy all the actors before changing scenes. I put a boolean on every relevant actor and flip it before changing scenes, and then give it .4 seconds to destroy everything, and then change... the Memory leak disappeared for me!
@BlackCloakGS -- thanks for the info! Has the max image size been updated yet? During the last meet-up the way it sounded it was very easy to implement, just changing a couple numbers. I submitted a feature request as it was suggested, but there has been no official reaction subsequently. Considering GameSalad 12 Stable is now being marketed as iOS 8, iPhone 6 and 6 Plus-ready, it should support at least the full iPhone 6 Plus retina resolution.
I'm sure you guys ( @BlackCloakGS ) hate getting negative feedback all the time, but I'm unable to import large .csv data into tables any more. I used to do this all the time, with my level data, and now it simply won't go. Spins and eventually crashes. The table is 28,000 rows. I opened this bug : http://bugs.gamesalad.com/show_bug.cgi?id=456
Also is GS running slowly for anyone on Mavericks or is it just Yosemite? I'm thinking I need to get back to Mavericks for awhile if it's the issue, because GS is close to unusable right now... assuming this table importing issue has to do with the terrible performance that I'm experiencing.
I'm happy that this version came out, after upgrading my Mac Mini OS X to Yosemite 10.10, but have to agreed with member Viking, this stable release is very slow, i also have to wait a while for the scrolling, etc......Would really appreciate that Game-Salad Staff look into this issue before moving into Windows Version...Thanks and God Bless....
@BlackCloakGS said:
viking I know we have some performance issue (some very severe) to straighten out and we will fix thous issues but the 12 release was not the release to do that in. 0.12 main purpose was to fix iOS 8 , Mac 10.10 compatibility issues and add encryption to protect projects. We had some feature creep and I had to draw a line so we could release 12. We plan on looking into these issue in 13, but 13 first priority is get windows up the feature parity for mac ( which we have put of for almost 6 months or more). I know you are frustrated however, I hope this helps you understand our decisions not to fix performance issues in 12.
I think a lot of users are not going to be happy with this. I'm going to guess that the majority of GS users are Mac, it would seem to make sense to stabilize the Mac version before heading off to do other things. The current version (12) has real usability issues (performance in creator as well as the fatal memory leaks). If I were coming to GS for the first time and downloaded this version I might be going to find another SDK that runs more smoothly. Just my 2 cents.
At least I know it's not just me, as others have mentioned the slow performance, spinning wheel when scrolling through behaviours etc.
I know you guys are working hard and it's appreciated! Really!
" The issue with the “Request Purchase Data” behavior causing crashes is both ours and Apple’s fault. The crash is due to how we handle receiving null data for the price and name values. We’re working on a fix for the crashes that should be coming out in the near future, but this won’t fix the issue of Apple sending us null values in the first place. "
Does this mean that apps we submit built with 12.10 are going to get rejected until this is resolved?
For that matter, because Apple changed the way IAPs are handled now, we can't submit a build from any version of Creator, if we have IAPs!
This has not been smooth for me at all. Has anybody else experienced this?
Games in the iOS viewer now do not have resolution independence and look extremely fuzzy.
Games that have Game Center and throw a warning in the viewer - the warning is not positioned correctly and is not clickable making the game unplayable. This started happening with iOS 8 and still happens with the latest version.
One of my games does not preview on the device, it just stalls at Compressing Assets and then beach balls and needs to be force quit. Never had a problem before.
And now two games are causing GameSalad to crash when trying to preview.
Is there something I should be doing?
Deleting and reinstalling everything?
Ok, it seems to be able to preview on my 6+ but with 1x graphics.
My 5 it just crashes every time.
Both phones are on 8.1
Done a fresh install of GameSalad, deleted the viewer and reinstalled.
4S on iOS 7 works ok but still has low def graphics.
Using Mavericks up to date - should I be going to Yosemite now?
@HoneyTribeStudios i am talking to qa about this today. Will post more when i have more information.
@HoneyTribeStudios My submission went through without any probs on iTunesConnect. I had to upload all the images to iTunes Connect as well as in GS.
I have this same issue. I have been working on a game with the RC version then I uninstalled that to install this new stable version now and I can't seem to open that app anymore. Simply changing it the file's extention to .gameproj does not work as it says unable to read file. What should I do?
@stanny try this
here's the link for the tool
Tried it. Does not work. Some error and it closes.
Oh wait, I got it to work now. I thought I was supposed to rename the file inside the folder from .gsproj to .gameproj but actually it was the folder itself that needed renaming.
Thanks for posting. Must be a prob on my end then.
What exactly is the new IAP Request Purchase Data? Is it the thing that prompts the user to login to itunes? The reason I need to know this is because I have a menu for IAPs on every single level in my game. I would find it annoying for the player to be prompted to login to itunes on every single level. I read that you shouldn't have it inside a rule so I won't be able to have it activate when my IAP menu is true therefore the Request Purchase Data will load at the beginning of every level.
Anyone having trouble with gamecenter?
I've tried everything in 2 days.I double double checked,searched on google,nothing solve the problem.
Check out my games on the App Store!
Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze
@jo> @jonhutto said:
I had the same dream
must admit I'm happy with all of the progress though. Nothing left to do but be patient unfortunately!
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Is anyone having an issue of the app crashing? Mine closes right after the splash screen when testing on an iPhone 5
For anyone else who added multiple localizations so you could have store text in different languages - you now have to add screenshots for each country.
Think that was why I had the error I posted above. So nothing to do with GS.
@iKlazzy mine crashes as soon as IAP - Request Purchase Data runs. I had GS have a good look at it and it is not a GS issue. I can publish the app using another mobile provisioning profile and it works fine. I created a new provisioning profile and it still crashes. I pretty sure this stared after iTune upgraded for iOS 8. Just recently my IAP page disappeared from iTunes. The whole thing has been going on for a couple of weeks. I am waiting for iTunes to get back to me, so far nothing.
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Anyone got chartboost to display ads with this build on iOS8.1?
Ads wont display on my new iPad Air 2 (running 8.1) but they display fine on iPad2 & iPhone 5 (both running 8.0).
@onelasttime are you testing on a device with IOS 8 installed on it using an ad hoc build ? If so you need to go to settings then game center on the IOS device then under developer enable the sandbox option and GC will recognise your app. If you are using IOS7 or an App in production then it might be a bug. Hope this helps. Cheers
Free Mini Games and Demo Templates
Thanks for reply.Yes,if I enable the sandbox option Gamecenter recognise my app but this doesnt explain live app problem,''run rob run'' in production,I tried 2 different ios 8 device(ipad&iphone6) same problem.
I hold the update if I realese I think I'll have the same problem.
Am I wrong?
Check out my games on the App Store!
Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze
@onelasttime then you are better off waiting. I packaged a game with RC 0.12.9 with no issues. It has not been approved yet but it works as expected. The issue might be with the stable release 0.12.10.
Free Mini Games and Demo Templates
What is the difference between 12.9 and 12.10? Or is 12.10 just 12.9 made into a 'stable' package? Thanks!
To be fair, I appreciate all the hard work that has gone into releasing 12.10, but I have to say that this version of the Creator is really, really slow when working in large and complex projects. Scrolling is painfully choppy in the actor windows and I spend 20% of my precious development time waiting for the little loading wheel to finish when switching between scenes and actors. The previous version was much faster.
In addition, the memory leak that balloons my project from 180Mb to 500Mb in 10 scene changes is really frustrating. I know that @BlackCloakGS wrote that they would not be fixing the memory leak for 12.10, but as it is now I can't test my game on the device as I crash out of memory after 12 levels and therefore can't play through the remaining 2/3 of my project. Game development is hard enough without these kind of issues and working with this new version just makes me sad
@pHghost the diffrence is http://bugs.gamesalad.com/show_bug.cgi?id=422
@viking I know we have some performance issue (some very severe) to straighten out and we will fix thous issues but the 12 release was not the release to do that in. 0.12 main purpose was to fix iOS 8 , Mac 10.10 compatibility issues and add encryption to protect projects. We had some feature creep and I had to draw a line so we could release 12. We plan on looking into these issue in 13, but 13 first priority is get windows up the feature parity for mac ( which we have put of for almost 6 months or more). I know you are frustrated however, I hope this helps you understand our decisions not to fix performance issues in 12.
Let me get this straight... your acknowledging theres "very severe" performance issues with the latest builds, and your saying they're going to get fixed at some point, but not as a priority?
Surely theres something wrong there? Surely they should be fixed as a priority, then rolled out into the windows update...or surely your just going to end up with both versions having the major issues... and your going to leave your users with the broken version for potentially months (possibly a lot of months)?
That doesn't sound good, or a logical way to continue forward....
Surely bugs and issues of that scale need to be fixed ASAP in micro-patches, not left for months...
I have to close GS every 10 minutes in order to get around the slowness as well. It's not as much fun as it used to be. I too hope this is addressed sooner than later.
As for the Scene memory leak, I had this issue as well, and my production game was crashing for lots of users. I believe I worked around it with the suggested solution in the forums, which is to destroy all the actors before changing scenes. I put a boolean on every relevant actor and flip it before changing scenes, and then give it .4 seconds to destroy everything, and then change... the Memory leak disappeared for me!
Our games http://Donkeysoft.ca
@BlackCloakGS -- thanks for the info! Has the max image size been updated yet? During the last meet-up the way it sounded it was very easy to implement, just changing a couple numbers. I submitted a feature request as it was suggested, but there has been no official reaction subsequently. Considering GameSalad 12 Stable is now being marketed as iOS 8, iPhone 6 and 6 Plus-ready, it should support at least the full iPhone 6 Plus retina resolution.
I'm sure you guys ( @BlackCloakGS ) hate getting negative feedback all the time, but I'm unable to import large .csv data into tables any more. I used to do this all the time, with my level data, and now it simply won't go. Spins and eventually crashes. The table is 28,000 rows. I opened this bug : http://bugs.gamesalad.com/show_bug.cgi?id=456
Also is GS running slowly for anyone on Mavericks or is it just Yosemite? I'm thinking I need to get back to Mavericks for awhile if it's the issue, because GS is close to unusable right now... assuming this table importing issue has to do with the terrible performance that I'm experiencing.
Our games http://Donkeysoft.ca
I'm happy that this version came out, after upgrading my Mac Mini OS X to Yosemite 10.10, but have to agreed with member Viking, this stable release is very slow, i also have to wait a while for the scrolling, etc......Would really appreciate that Game-Salad Staff look into this issue before moving into Windows Version...Thanks and God Bless....
I think a lot of users are not going to be happy with this. I'm going to guess that the majority of GS users are Mac, it would seem to make sense to stabilize the Mac version before heading off to do other things. The current version (12) has real usability issues (performance in creator as well as the fatal memory leaks). If I were coming to GS for the first time and downloaded this version I might be going to find another SDK that runs more smoothly. Just my 2 cents.
At least I know it's not just me, as others have mentioned the slow performance, spinning wheel when scrolling through behaviours etc.
I know you guys are working hard and it's appreciated! Really!
Our games http://Donkeysoft.ca
@BlackCloakGS ForumNinga posted in the State of GS:
" The issue with the “Request Purchase Data” behavior causing crashes is both ours and Apple’s fault. The crash is due to how we handle receiving null data for the price and name values. We’re working on a fix for the crashes that should be coming out in the near future, but this won’t fix the issue of Apple sending us null values in the first place. "
Does this mean that apps we submit built with 12.10 are going to get rejected until this is resolved?
For that matter, because Apple changed the way IAPs are handled now, we can't submit a build from any version of Creator, if we have IAPs!
What are we supposed to do now?
Thank you!
My GS is version beta free version - will my games made in that version be openable and editable in the new version? (just want to be sure!)
This has not been smooth for me at all. Has anybody else experienced this?
Games in the iOS viewer now do not have resolution independence and look extremely fuzzy.
Games that have Game Center and throw a warning in the viewer - the warning is not positioned correctly and is not clickable making the game unplayable. This started happening with iOS 8 and still happens with the latest version.
One of my games does not preview on the device, it just stalls at Compressing Assets and then beach balls and needs to be force quit. Never had a problem before.
And now two games are causing GameSalad to crash when trying to preview.
Is there something I should be doing?
Deleting and reinstalling everything?
Ok, it seems to be able to preview on my 6+ but with 1x graphics.
My 5 it just crashes every time.
Both phones are on 8.1
Done a fresh install of GameSalad, deleted the viewer and reinstalled.
4S on iOS 7 works ok but still has low def graphics.
Using Mavericks up to date - should I be going to Yosemite now?
Very broken