Stable Release - Macintosh GameSalad Creator 0.12.10



  • weblantisweblantis Member, PRO Posts: 114

    Great news - thanks to the GS Team for the hard work.

  • lycettebroslycettebros Member, PRO Posts: 1,598
    edited October 2014

    Thanks GS team!
    Anyone check this build with iOS 8.1 (xCode 6.1)???

  • GamepencilerGamepenciler Artist/Game Developer Member, PRO Posts: 326


    Artist/Game Developer / Animator at your service..

  • MoogusMoogus Member, PRO Posts: 77

    Just published adHoc test build... works a treat, all previous issues I had have been fixed with this update.

    Also noticed sound quality (codec) has been increased, providing greater range in frequencies response ?? Might be cos my volume was louder on laptop, but had feeling there was an improvement.

    Anyone else noticed ??

    p.s. do my own music so easy for me to notice...

  • BitvorkBitvork Member, PRO Posts: 119

    Thank you for the update guys! Really appreciate it. ;-)

  • jorkosjorkos Member, PRO Posts: 353

    Great stuff guys looking forward to trying

  • QwazzMeQwazzMe Member, PRO Posts: 39
    edited October 2014

    Reset scene does not seem to work anymore - on Mac anyway.

    • I was ready to launch my app today after beta testing and I needed to do only a last minute image change. I downloaded the new GameSalad version and suddenly the scene reset is not working anymore, neither on my computer or on my test devices (iPad). I can't launch like this... anyone?

    Oh, and I can't upload anymore!

  • HoneyTribeStudiosHoneyTribeStudios Member Posts: 1,792


    Or anybody else that might know the answer.

    I'm updating an app using 0.12.10. I've added the necessary screenshots in iTunes Connect. These errors appear when trying to submit the app to Apple:

    "You must provide a screenshot for 4.7-inch Retina display, because your app binary supports 4.7-inch Retina displays.

    You must provide a screenshot for 5.5-inch Retina display, because your app binary supports 5.5-inch Retina displays."

    When searching for an answer online someone on stack overflow came up with this:

    Does this mean something is wrong with the package that is created with GS publishing? I added the splash screens for iPhone 6+, legacy and iPad retina for a universal build.

    Anyone else get this error?

  • clee2005clee2005 http://Donkeysoft.caMember, PRO Posts: 194

    @HoneyTribeStudios said:

    Or anybody else that might know the answer.

    I'm updating an app using 0.12.10. I've added the necessary screenshots in iTunes Connect. These errors appear when trying to submit the app to Apple:

    "You must provide a screenshot for 4.7-inch Retina display, because your app binary supports 4.7-inch Retina displays.

    You must provide a screenshot for 5.5-inch Retina display, because your app binary supports 5.5-inch Retina displays."

    When searching for an answer online someone on stack overflow came up with this:

    Does this mean something is wrong with the package that is created with GS publishing? I added the splash screens for iPhone 6+, legacy and iPad retina for a universal build.

    Anyone else get this error?

    Yeah, you need to provide store screenshots for the new device resolutions. It's an update in Apple's policy as of 2 weeks ago maybe... You can take your iPhone5 screenshots and resize them as they are the same ratio... if you don't feel like getting all new ones made up.


  • HoneyTribeStudiosHoneyTribeStudios Member Posts: 1,792
    edited October 2014

    @clee2005 said:

    Hey @clee2005 - Yeah I've added all the new size screenshots and still get the error. So I was wondering if it was something to do with the package auto created by GS publishing after reading that post on stack overflow. Did you manage to submit something ok with 0.12.10?


  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    edited October 2014

    @clee2005 said:

    Yeah, you need to provide store screenshots for the new device resolutions. It's an update in Apple's policy as of 2 weeks ago maybe... You can take your iPhone5 screenshots and resize them as they are the same ratio... if you don't feel like getting all new ones made up.


    great, more assets to add, my game is already pass 50mb and i can't publish to google play, and now there are even more files to throw in :(


  • weblantisweblantis Member, PRO Posts: 114

    @POM your file isn't going greater. The additional images are only for the iTunes store and not stored in the package.

  • pHghostpHghost London, UKMember Posts: 2,342

    @BlackCloakGS said:

    What is the difference between 12.9 and 12.10? Or is 12.10 just 12.9 made into a 'stable' package? Thanks!

  • clee2005clee2005 http://Donkeysoft.caMember, PRO Posts: 194

    @HoneyTribeStudios said:

    Hey @HoneyTribeStudios‌ I did with and but not with


  • HoneyTribeStudiosHoneyTribeStudios Member Posts: 1,792

    Hmm. Hopefully it's something my end then rather than GS.

    Has anyone gone through the new itunes connect with 0.12.10 and submitted an app for review yet?

  •[email protected] Member Posts: 36

    Is the random function in a timer bug fixed? Sorry if it's been fixed a while ago I haven't updated for so long :S

  • SirioGarciaSirioGarcia Member Posts: 52

    @BlackCloakGS that is good news! thank you…•Ω•

  • MoogusMoogus Member, PRO Posts: 77

    @HoneyTribeStudios once iTunes Connect back online later today I will submit my first app ever :) ... and with latest 0.12.10.
    Will let you know if it goes through.

  • MarchiefMarchief Member, PRO Posts: 98

    umm, is it just me or has amazon / kindle publishing gone missing?

  • Gamelover456Gamelover456 Member Posts: 378

    @Back2Code they took down amazon/kindle publishing for their special contest. It will be back after the contest is over later in November 2014 or December 2014.

  • MoogusMoogus Member, PRO Posts: 77

    @BlackcloakGS Noticed although the iPhone custom loading image issue has been fixed, the iPad custom loading image is still missing (checked image is in all options in GS i.e. Universal, iPhone and iPad).

  • mshuraih mshuraih Member, PRO Posts: 179

    how do u change the suffix to gsproj i can t get it to work .. if use right click/more info .. the GS file turns into folder that can not be open by GS .. and just simply changing the name of the file by clicking on it it does not change the extention rather it becomes project.gsproj.gsrcproj

  • jonhuttojonhutto Member, PRO Posts: 72

    I had a dream that a share feature was added in this update that connected with the iPhone share options. All my apps were soaring. Facebook integration, instagram screenshots were flying all over the internet, social media was being utilized. I was in a hot tube with my soul mate. It was awesome.

    Then I woke up and twitter was still the only option.

  • Creation_24KRACreation_24KRA Member, PRO Posts: 50


    I'm buy the slider puzzle template and while this template that functioned very well with your version 10.1

    Now with 0.12 this template bug, the Elements parade but stops as before.

    Thank you corrected this bug because my game is finished and waiting a fix from you.

    thank you

    Best regards

  • mc99093mc99093 Member, PRO Posts: 133

    @Back2Code You can still publish to amazon/kindle use the android tab

  • MarchiefMarchief Member, PRO Posts: 98

    @mc99093 said:
    Back2Code You can still publish to amazon/kindle use the android tab

    Yeah i found that in the end and to change the options over, it is producing a warning saying that google IAPs are in the manifest even though i selected Amazon, no error produced for Fire phone now though so will see after review how it goes, implemented game circle too so fingers crossed.

  • HoneyTribeStudiosHoneyTribeStudios Member Posts: 1,792

    @Moogus Good luck with your first app. It'll be an exciting time - hope all goes well with it :)

  • HoneyTribeStudiosHoneyTribeStudios Member Posts: 1,792


    Just posting again as nobody else seems to have tested and mentioned results here yet. So still not sure if something I'm doing wrong or an issue with the package that GS publishing creates. Did anyone at GS successfully take an app published with 0.12.10 all the way through the new iTunes Connect submission process? Details below.

    I'm updating an app using 0.12.10. I've added the necessary iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+ screenshots in iTunes Connect. These errors appear when trying to submit the app to Apple:

    "You must provide a screenshot for 4.7-inch Retina display, because your app binary supports 4.7-inch Retina displays.

    You must provide a screenshot for 5.5-inch Retina display, because your app binary supports 5.5-inch Retina displays."

    When searching for an answer online someone on stack overflow came up with this:

    Does this mean something is wrong with the package that is created with GS publishing? On the publishing page I added the splash screens for iPhone 6+, legacy and iPad retina for a universal build.

    Anyone else get this error?

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