Category List
A general area for asking questions, sharing solutions, and learning how to use GameSalad. This category is open to all GameSalad users.59.7K discussions 325.1K comments Most recent: GameSalad project won't open?!?! by PhilipCC on February 12
A category for discussing all things related to the business and marketing side of game development.10.7K discussions 86.1K comments Most recent: MEME BALL! - Basketball legend Scottie Pippen's first game! Made with GS by uptimistik on February 18
An area for, well, everything else!5.9K discussions 50.3K comments Most recent: Hungry Shark Evolution Apk Mod free shopping by Tyroneholt on February 12
Looking to ply your trade or wanting paid help? This is the place to find it.2.9K discussions 15K comments Most recent: AAA Concept Artist Available for work by menogdesign on February 13
Bug reports, problems installing, and other gremlins.
3.9K discussions 18.3K comments Most recent: Plain White Background Screen Test Finds Random Blackouts While Gaming by evelynfreya on February 12