GameSalad Creator 1.25.98 for macOS Release



  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,382
  • squirrel42squirrel42 Member, PRO Posts: 195

    Does this mean that only the RC supports iOS 13 currently?

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200

    @squirrel42 PM me your project. Thinks should be unstuck generally now, but sometimes if generating broke on the project, it can stay stuck. Also mention why you're PMing the project. I find that I often forget why people are sending me project links :)

  • squirrel42squirrel42 Member, PRO Posts: 195

    Hi I can still no longer publish the above two apps as they are still stuck generating.

    I've PM you the links a few days ago.



  • squirrel42squirrel42 Member, PRO Posts: 195

    I've just tried the 'right click on the Gererating button' trick again and it seems to have 'released' it this time, so panic over


  • bob loblawbob loblaw Member, PRO Posts: 793

    there’s a ‘right click on the generating button’ trick?

  • squirrel42squirrel42 Member, PRO Posts: 195

    Yes, if you right click on the greyed out generating button and chose open in new tab it should start the generating process again. It’s an old trick and of course it may just be that adent42 fixed something on the server between the times I tried it!

  • bob loblawbob loblaw Member, PRO Posts: 793

    cheers. i’ll give it a go if if i get stuck again.

  • unbeatenpixelunbeatenpixel Game Developer Member, PRO Posts: 568
    edited June 2020

    Is this a known bug?

    I always quick look the rules with preview. It was a time-saving method but now it is imposibble. Can we fix that? @adent42

    GS 1.25.98 , MacOS Mojave 10.14.6

    Also, it is worst than it looks in the gif because of the 25fps.

    Check out my games on the App Store!

    Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200

    That kind of fix is lower priority, but we can look into it.

  • unbeatenpixelunbeatenpixel Game Developer Member, PRO Posts: 568

    Thank you. I hope it is easy to fix. I would be very grateful.

    Check out my games on the App Store!

    Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze

  • unbeatenpixelunbeatenpixel Game Developer Member, PRO Posts: 568

    Why we have to make minimum iOS 13 to use launch storyboard? @adent42 afaik, minimum sdk ≠ minimum OS version, we just have to compile our app with iOS 13 SDK. Launch storyboard could use with older iOS.

    If we can, we should always continue to support 2 older iOS. Why is this important?

    1- Here, we complain about catalina(latest macOS) but we force our users to upgrade to the latest version?

    2- iPhone 6 and iPad Mini 2 doesn't support iOS 13 (latest 12.4.7) and they are fine devices for playing casual games as we developed. Also, I have these 2 devices. From a developer perspective, I would like to use these devices for testing. Although I have iPhone 11 and iPad Pro. We should not act considering the latest versions of ios or device.

    Check out my games on the App Store!

    Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,382
    edited June 2020

    Agree 100%. iOS 13 cuts out a ton of older devices used in education. I'd love to see the oldest possible version of iOS still supported. Not positive what Apple's minimum is now though. 12.1?

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200

    In the case of developing the RC, it was easier to just match SDK and current version to ensure everything just works with the code samples Apples gives.

    I'll try downgrading the target SDK and see what happens on the next build. The worry is related to various supporting SDKs (mostly ads, but we've also update code in a few other places).

  • unbeatenpixelunbeatenpixel Game Developer Member, PRO Posts: 568
    edited June 2020

    That will be great. At least we need to stick minimum os version=12 . Nobody wants to lose 17-18% of their current and potential user base. Gamesalad, ad networks, developers, no one.

    If I have to say something for the future ios, we need to give a breathing space to our user at least 1 old iOS generation, preferabaly 2. I looked at what game publishers are doing about it from small to large publishers. Most of them remain in min iOS 10, 11 or 12 and I didn't see a single one that upgraded the minimum supported version to iOS 13.

    Btw, iOS 12 supported same devices with iOS 11.

    Check out my games on the App Store!

    Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze

  • Glass FrogGlass Frog Member, PRO Posts: 136

    I fully agree, I develop mostly kids games and not supporting iOS 12 is a bit of a problem as kids tend to have older passed down hardware.

    The app market is hard enough at the moment without cutting out a big chunk of our current user base.

    My Website:
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  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200

    So this is probably not the best point to talk about this. This thread is for the CREATOR RC and not the engines. In the future, discuss engine issues in the engine RC threads. Thanks!

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200


    • APK Signing
    • Fix some threading issues that crashed things on macOS 10.12
    • Reduced memory leak between projects.

    Try it now! We've tested it enough to feel it's ready to release next week, but just in case... give it a shot!

  • bob loblawbob loblaw Member, PRO Posts: 793

    @adent42 please don't release this version. I've given it a fly and it's much worse than .99.

    I'll give it another run through this afternoon, but while closing out of a working project frees up some memory, it still builds heavy memory use while you work on it, as well as when you preview. also, it freezes up bad.

  • bob loblawbob loblaw Member, PRO Posts: 793
    edited October 2020

    just to give you an idea of usage with actions, if it helps you get a locate the issue for a fix:

    open gs - 52mb (with just the splash screen open)

    project opened - 3.51gb

    close project - 683mb

    3.88gb - re-open project

    4.17gb - preview

    5.04gb - click back

    5.40- gb - save project

    5.27gb - preview

    5.97gb - click back

    3.41 gb - close project but left gs active

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200
    edited October 2020

    @bob How do the does memory numbers that compare with 0.99 and what OS version are you running on?

    The problem we're running into is that these issues are somewhere deeper in the macOS version.

    Basically with no changes to the code, the memory bloat is even worse, and all we've done is update to the latest macOS SDK (which you're forced to do as a developer if your system is updated).

    Right now, it's a choice between the memory bloat (which the work-around for is to close the program between projects) or the lack of android signing.

    I'll go back and see if I can get a system up to build the changes in an older SDK and get better memory performance.

    Also, could you PM that project. I'm curious what kind of project takes up 3.51gb! There might be something we can save there too!


  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,382

    Testing out 100. Still seeing ~50gb of memory usage after working on a standard (~200mb with screen shots, ~50mb without) project. The memory issue has never been a major one for me, doesn't hurt to restart every couple of hours, but thought I'd just mention it.

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,382
    edited October 2020

    Another minor change between version 99 and 100: When entering a custom resolution to preview, it shows the custom resolution as 100x100 in the dropdown menu. It previews correctly, it just displays the size as 100x100.

    (While you're digging into the Mac version, adding iPhone X resolution/aspect ration (896x414 etc.) to the dropdown list/project size options would save soooo much time. 720p portrait certainly wouldn't go amiss either.)

  • bob loblawbob loblaw Member, PRO Posts: 793


    I am on Catalina 10.15.7

    so by comparison, v .99 with the same project gets:

    open gs - 58.7mb

    load project 3.74gb

    close project - 3.68 (this is where .100 is better because there isn't any where near as much residual memory usage after closing)

    shut down gs, restart, open project and preview - 3.75gb

    back - 4.47gb

    save - 4.83gb

    preview - 4.61gb

    back - 5.46gb

    close - 5.42gb

    going back to v.100, I deleted all the screen shots, and once the project is loaded on the first time with no screen shots, memory usage is lower at 2.96gb. 3.16 at preview, 3.04 clicking back, 3.23 preview again, 3.10 clicking back, 3.44 saving, 259mb closing the project with only splash screen active.

    is it possible that the memory issue is directly tied to whatever gs is doing with saved screen shots? for reference, the screenshots stored in the folder were around 50-60mb total.

  • adriangomezadriangomez Member, PRO Posts: 440

    I personally don't see any difference between 99 and 100, but i am not looking at the memory and maybe my projects are super small.

  • pHghostpHghost London, UKMember Posts: 2,342

    @bob loblaw said:

    is it possible that the memory issue is directly tied to whatever gs is doing with saved screen shots?

    I've seen that before as well, actually. Deleting the thumbnail folder would speed things up considerably and stop bigger project crashing (particularly on scene switch).

  • pHghostpHghost London, UKMember Posts: 2,342

    @adent42 said:

    Right now, it's a choice between the memory bloat (which the work-around for is to close the program between projects) or the lack of android signing

    Is that so? Simply removing Android signing significantly reduces memory use?

    Would it make sense to release a version without signing then, for development, and one with, for when the project is ready to be published?

  • RedRoboRedRobo Member, PRO Posts: 682

    Agreed! I've been harping on about iPhone X resolution dropdown for a while now. Or at least to be fixed so it retains custom resolutions. Such a time waster...🙄

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200

    @pHghost not quite.

    We haven't removed android signing, we've updated to the newer kind.

    The android signing doesn't really matter with the memory. Just how it's compiled. v100 use the newest SDK. v99 uses and older one. I need to check the memory, but it seems v100 is slightly worse in memory usage.

    So the choice is really 99 with bad signing, or 100 with fixed signing and slightly worse memory usage.

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