GameSalad Creator 1.25.98 for macOS Release
New Mac creator release is official.
- Fixes Screenshot Capture during preview.
- Fixes text turning / staying black in the Project Level Actor and Scene browser. This mostly affected people in Dark Mode, where the text was hard to read.
We also have a new RC:
The RC has:
- Fixes for upside down icons in Preview.
- Updated freestick to 0.3.2, allowing for MFI controller support on Mac.
- Updated freeimage to remove support for TIFF, EXR, and RAW files, to match iOS.
Next up, for Creator, we'll be working to fix bugs like the preview custom resolutions resetting and the weird rule conditions clearing out on scrolling instances bug.
oh shoot.. apparently not compatible with Catalina? I deleted my older versions just before installing this one.
@adent42 not work in's only for Catalina? crashing during the launch...
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Thanks for the update!
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Thank you @adent42
Really appreciating the pace of fixes recently and relieved to hear the fix for custom resolutions is scheduled in!
Same for me.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:

not works in Mojave? or yes works?
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Since there are reports of it not working in Mojave or Catalina, it seems pretty safe to say it's a dud build and it's not an OS compatibility issue.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
I have an old macbook I use running sierra and when i try to drag a rule it crashes every time. Also the attribute browser is all white. I should have checked the forum before updating. I hadn't use gs in a while so I assumed whatever the update was would be stable. Theres no way to go back to an older version is there? whatever was before 1.25.96 was working great for me.
I just went here and downloaded that version and it works.
The same for me; i've download .98 from the link and it works! but the .99 doesn't work...
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Tweet Sheet seems to be crashing my app and the creator, is this a known issue, or is there a work around?
Seems to be only when published to iPad, iPhone ok.
@squirrel42 I have the team take a look! Are you using iOS Sharing or Twitter?
Is this ever going to work with Catalina?
Also, I hate to harp on this but is there any way we can be able to import images that are 1242x2688 without resizing???? I have a scary amount of images to import in this size and it's going to kill my productivity to constantly resize them all.
@squirrel42 I got the crash fixed but we haven't released that version yet (I'm still working out some signing stuff and the upgrade to chartboost.
@sinbot is x.98 having a problem in Catalina? x.99 is a pre-release, so if it doesn't work, it will hopefully be fixed the next time around.
@adent42 Thanks! Eta?
Hopefully tomorrow or Wed.
@adent42 Star!
I am now getting this message when trying to publish..
"The version of GameSalad used to create this project is not supported. Please download the latest version."
I am using 1.25.98 but cannot use 1.25.99 as it crashes in Catalina.
Try it again. I broke it during the deploy of the new RC. It should be good now.
Also 1.25.99 is bad, it crashes everywhere. It worked when i did a dev build and i assumed it would work as a full build, but I was missing a few things. The new one will be out sometime this week.
Just as an FYI, the Creator version has almost nothing to do with the publishing version. If you are using any 1.25 version then it will work the same. So even if you got 1.25.99, it would have still broken.
@adent42 Thanks, that works now, as does the Tweet Sheet (iPad) when published with the RC but not the final build. I assume it would be a bad idea to release using a build from the RC, in which case when do you anticipate this being moved over to a final release? Thanks again.
So it depends on the RC. I sometimes recommend the RC because it's better than what's out there. Here's my decision tree for this build.
1) Publish with RC. Does it work? Consider publishing with it.
2) For this RC, are you using ads? If not and 1 is true, publish!
3) If you are using ads and are not worried about the CCPA, then go ahead! (not recommended).
4) If you do care about your player's privacy, wait until tonight/tomorrow for the next RC.
@adent42 Thanks for that. Yes I’m using ads so will wait as I’m also finding the splash screen is not displaying correctly in the RC.
@squirrel42 that's likely due to the new storyboard system. can you DM me a publishing link to take a look?
FYI we uploaded a new 1.25.99, so try the link at the top again if you want to give it a shot.
@adent42 Does not crash in Catalina, but now stuck on generating..
Heh, that’s a server problem, will look into it!
If I don't need any ad stuff, just want to get an update submitted, I can just press "Generate" right now? Or is RC still better?
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
You should use RC for iOS 13.0 support which will be required in June.