design219 said: What kind of pull do you have with Apple?
I'm not sure - I did send them a very lovely email though!
It's now 'ready for sale' - the launch date is already set in itunes as Thursday August 12th - I assume I don't have to do anything and it'll be available on that day automagically?
Sorry for the noob question - I haven't had anything new on the app store for seven months!
quantumsheep said: It's now 'ready for sale' - the launch date is already set in itunes as Thursday August 12th - I assume I don't have to do anything and it'll be available on that day automagically?
Sorry for the noob question - I haven't had anything new on the app store for seven months!
It should do, but who knows with Apple and the New Releases list.. Just pray for good new release list exposure I guess
@quantumsheep - if you get any downtime between coding and drinking :-) would it be possible to post a small template of the changes done to make the performance improvements needed to render all those on screen sprites? Or will £50 do and as much beer as you can drink ?
BinaryBiscuits said: @quantumsheep - if you get any downtime between coding and drinking :-) would it be possible to post a small template of the changes done to make the performance improvements needed to render all those on screen sprites? Or will £50 do and as much beer as you can drink ?
I don't think there's an upper limit on that...
I found that I'd already done a huge amount of 'pre-optimising' before Joe had even mentioned stuff like using the same actor for different roles.
For example, each scene has five actors that, when put one after the other, make the background.
Now, you could have five *different actors* lined up like this:
:1: :2: : :4: :5:
Or you could optimise it and have just one background actor, five times, like this:
:1: :1: :1: :1: :1:
Then just put a different graphic over the instance of that one actor to make the background.
Really, it's that simple.
Another example:
Say I have 6 Kraken - each one needs a radar blip. I made six prototype radar blips, one for each kraken, and put them in the scene.
So in total, I now have 12 individual prototype actors, with their specific rulesets.
Kraken 1 through 6 Radar blip 1 through 6
Instead of having six blips though, I can use radar blip 1 *six* times. Drag that one radar blip actor into the scene six times and then change the rules within each instance of that actor to suit its purpose.
So now you have 7 actors.
Kraken 1 through 6 Radar blip 1 (x6)
I hope that makes some sense. I haven't slept and it's 9am, so forgive me if it doesn't!
The important thing for me was that the whole game worked first *before* I started mucking around with this. I find it easier to work with six different radar blips in each level, rather than one 6 times.
It's also easier to bug hunt and to make multiple changes if you're working with prototypes.
So I personally would do this right at the end of a project when everything just works. Make a backup of your game with all the prototypes intact, then start making the changes outlined and deleting the now superfluous prototype actors.
Hope that helps mate, and I'm looking forward to the next meet - Butterbean's coming along!
victorkin11 said: Thank for share you tips, have you recycle the actor like bullet?
I made the actor bullet over a year ago! :O
I'll have to go check!
BinaryBiscuits said: Many thanks for the explanation QS.
Any date for the meet? I think Butterbean better get some practice drinking done before the start :-) Last one was bloody fantastic!
No worries - I hope it made some sense - I'll try and get a tutorial written properly *at some point* and may ask FMG to look it over for some input (though I know he's very busy!)
Meet planned for September - BB is apparently coming over at some point that month, and it'd be great to have a little get together for everyone including her!
I have some exciting news which deserves its own thread - so cya in a bit!
quantumsheep said: Kraken is set to be released this Thursday thanks to the lovely folk at Apple who agreed to expedite its release...
That would worry me. With Arcade Action I set the release date for Friday. Apple approved it on Wednesday night. So, it just sat in limbo on Thursday - NO SALES. Friday - NO SALES. Saturday - NO SALES. I'm not sure it's a good idea to mess around like that.
1) Seems unethical. 2) What if it messes up your launch listing? 3) Why rush to launch in the Summer? It's not really a big gaming time. People actually go outside. I tried that today. It was nice out there. HA HA!
@QS: We're trying to work out when we're coming over, but it would certainly be fun to do a GTG around that! I'll keep you posted on details!
So glad you're app was expedited! That's great! I'm always OCD about making sure the release date is set properly, although I think as long as you set it and save it along with the pricing, you should be good to go.
A good way to "test" it is to click on the link that says "view in the app store" and if you're unable to view it, then that's a good sign that it will be released on a future date you set
I will definitely buy drinks if we're able to make it in September! Trying to plan this trip, and decide where to go!
@BinaryBiscuits: Yes! That is true, I remember seeing all those bottles on the table, I would need a defibrillator handy after drinking 10% of that
quantumsheep said: @Photics - not worried at all, thanks. Don't see how it's unethical.
I knew to watch my game while it was in review. If Apple approved it on Wednesday, I was going to quickly change the launch date to Thursday. I'm imaging that developers were cutting the line while my game was in review. If other developers weren't cutting the line, my game would have been reviewed earlier. I would have caught the app approval, not at 11:30 at night, and updated my app's launch date. Instead, my app got buried.
Here's another story. I was at the post office and I forgot something or I had to fill something out. I don't remember the details. The lady said to come right back when I was ready. So while I was fixing the problem, new people showed up on the line. I walked past them and straight to the lady... like I was supposed to. But wow, seems like I upset the people on the line.
Other developers wait. It's annoying to have to wait about a week for review, but I don't think it's fair to jump ahead.
It will likely bring attention to your app though and it could lead to your app being featured. You're making noise. That seemed to work for Max Vector. I remember not liking the fact that his game cut the line too.
@Photics: Your reasoning sounds legit, but you too, could have asked for your game to be expedited. It's not like you couldn't have taken the extra step and emailed them asking to expedite your game. That is in no way unethical, and Apple limits the amount of times an expedited review can occur.
So it's like this: You go to a carnival, everyone entering gets 3 tokens allowing them to cut in front of the line of 3 rides (of their choice)
You may not choose to use your token on the rollercoaster, but rather the Triple Play Ride.
You choose not to expedite your game, but perhaps your next one, you will expedite.
Apple keeps track of these things, and won't allow multiple expedited games.
If you want to expedite your game, then email them. No harm done here.
(you're bang on, btw - here are your bonus points!)
FMG +100
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
// Red Dot Inc
Right at the end, but I love the whole clip!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Hope it's a success for ya.
Can't wait to play it, wish you the best of luck with it!
Butterbean, I think we'd all be honoured* on this side of the pond!
Let me know when and we'll organise something!
*to accept drinks from you due to the massive amount of money you've made with GS
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Kraken is set to be released this Thursday thanks to the lovely folk at Apple who agreed to expedite its release...
Christ... that's three whole days... :O
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
EDIT: Oh wait *brags* I already have it!
// Red Dot Inc
It's now 'ready for sale' - the launch date is already set in itunes as Thursday August 12th - I assume I don't have to do anything and it'll be available on that day automagically?
Sorry for the noob question - I haven't had anything new on the app store for seven months!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
// Red Dot Inc
I found that I'd already done a huge amount of 'pre-optimising' before Joe had even mentioned stuff like using the same actor for different roles.
For example, each scene has five actors that, when put one after the other, make the background.
Now, you could have five *different actors* lined up like this:
:1: :2:
Or you could optimise it and have just one background actor, five times, like this:
:1: :1: :1: :1: :1:
Then just put a different graphic over the instance of that one actor to make the background.
Really, it's that simple.
Another example:
Say I have 6 Kraken - each one needs a radar blip.
I made six prototype radar blips, one for each kraken, and put them in the scene.
So in total, I now have 12 individual prototype actors, with their specific rulesets.
Kraken 1 through 6
Radar blip 1 through 6
Instead of having six blips though, I can use radar blip 1 *six* times. Drag that one radar blip actor into the scene six times and then change the rules within each instance of that actor to suit its purpose.
So now you have 7 actors.
Kraken 1 through 6
Radar blip 1 (x6)
I hope that makes some sense. I haven't slept and it's 9am, so forgive me if it doesn't!
The important thing for me was that the whole game worked first *before* I started mucking around with this. I find it easier to work with six different radar blips in each level, rather than one 6 times.
It's also easier to bug hunt and to make multiple changes if you're working with prototypes.
So I personally would do this right at the end of a project when everything just works. Make a backup of your game with all the prototypes intact, then start making the changes outlined and deleting the now superfluous prototype actors.
Hope that helps mate, and I'm looking forward to the next meet - Butterbean's coming along!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Any date for the meet? I think Butterbean better get some practice drinking done before the start :-) Last one was bloody fantastic!
I'll have to go check! No worries - I hope it made some sense - I'll try and get a tutorial written properly *at some point* and may ask FMG to look it over for some input (though I know he's very busy!)
Meet planned for September - BB is apparently coming over at some point that month, and it'd be great to have a little get together for everyone including her!
I have some exciting news which deserves its own thread - so cya in a bit!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
1) Seems unethical.
2) What if it messes up your launch listing?
3) Why rush to launch in the Summer? It's not really a big gaming time. People actually go outside. I tried that today. It was nice out there. HA HA!
So glad you're app was expedited! That's great! I'm always OCD about making sure the release date is set properly, although I think as long as you set it and save it along with the pricing, you should be good to go.
A good way to "test" it is to click on the link that says "view in the app store" and if you're unable to view it, then that's a good sign that it will be released on a future date you set
I will definitely buy drinks if we're able to make it in September! Trying to plan this trip, and decide where to go!
@BinaryBiscuits: Yes! That is true, I remember seeing all those bottles on the table, I would need a defibrillator handy after drinking 10% of that
@BB - yep - tested - all good - and I'm really looking forward to seeing you without hidden spy cameras!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Looking forward to playing this on my iP4 although gonna wish it was retina graphics :P
// Red Dot Inc
Here's another story. I was at the post office and I forgot something or I had to fill something out. I don't remember the details. The lady said to come right back when I was ready. So while I was fixing the problem, new people showed up on the line. I walked past them and straight to the lady... like I was supposed to. But wow, seems like I upset the people on the line.
Other developers wait. It's annoying to have to wait about a week for review, but I don't think it's fair to jump ahead.
It will likely bring attention to your app though and it could lead to your app being featured. You're making noise. That seemed to work for Max Vector. I remember not liking the fact that his game cut the line too.
I'd love to do retina graphics in the future, but that requires Ian and some money.
Ian is on holiday. I have no money.
We'll see what happens when he gets back!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
So it's like this: You go to a carnival, everyone entering gets 3 tokens allowing them to cut in front of the line of 3 rides (of their choice)
You may not choose to use your token on the rollercoaster, but rather the Triple Play Ride.
You choose not to expedite your game, but perhaps your next one, you will expedite.
Apple keeps track of these things, and won't allow multiple expedited games.
If you want to expedite your game, then email them. No harm done here.