Attack of the Kraken submitted to Apple - launch trailer inside :D
Hey everyone, hope you're well!
I can't believe it's been almost a month since I first announced this game! I've been busy, obviously!
So the game's been submitted to Apple, and hopefully (after a friendly expedite email!) it should be out on Thursday, August 12th for arm 7 devices.
As seems to be the norm around here I'll chuck up another thread when the game's actually available!
I'd like to thank everyone on this forum for their support, but in particular Butterbean and RDcube who both gave me invaluable suggestions and Polygame who was, er, 'entertaining'.
And without further ado, here's the launch trailer:

I can't believe it's been almost a month since I first announced this game! I've been busy, obviously!

So the game's been submitted to Apple, and hopefully (after a friendly expedite email!) it should be out on Thursday, August 12th for arm 7 devices.
As seems to be the norm around here I'll chuck up another thread when the game's actually available!

I'd like to thank everyone on this forum for their support, but in particular Butterbean and RDcube who both gave me invaluable suggestions and Polygame who was, er, 'entertaining'.
And without further ado, here's the launch trailer:


Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Cheers, Wesweog
But seriously, great job and I'm sure it will do well.
That reminds me, I really should thank FireMapleGames as well - the 'use one actor for multiple things' really helped me optimise the hell out of my game! (and delayed it! Grrrr!)
So, er, yeah, thanks Joe
Stil, almost 200 actors in it. I wish we had more control over fonts - would have cut the graphics needed by half at least!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
// Red Dot Inc
QS, you kick ass.
Marc n Soph
`the 'use one actor for multiple things' really helped me`
Where can I find this?
Great Game!!!
Ian will be dead chuffed you like it. He did a really amazing job, and seriously put up with a lot from me towards the end! I nit pick! Bless him for his patience!
And he claims animation isn't one of his strong points! AS IF!!!
Anyway, I'm off out for a bit - nice to have a Sunday off for a change!
Thanks again everyone!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
You may have answered this somewhere already, but how are you controlling the ship?
HOLY NOSE JOB!: Nesen Probe: Is this the single most unappealing game in the history of GameSalad? I can't seem to give it away! Anywhere. But if anyone want's to try it out, codes are still available near the end of the thread!
Thank you sir!
I won't be putting any promos on here anyway! They'll all be allocated to various sites/journos/people.
No asking for reviews either. I want this to be done 'by the book'
To answer your question directly, you control the ship WITH YOUR MIND!!!
In case that doesn't work for some people, I've put in two control methods
First one is shown below - this is 'system a'.
I came up with this when BB and RDcube mentioned they had to 'get used' to the controls. I'd been living with the game for so long that the original controls just felt natural to me.
It was awesome to get another perspective!
Essentially, you rotate your ship left and right with the buttons on the bottom left. The button on the far right is 'fire'
Now, this below is 'system b' - the original control system.
Two big buttons on the edges of the screen - and you fire by tapping anywhere between those two buttons in the middle there.
I really like this system because your thumbs do a little dance of sorts.
If you're moving left, you press the left button and use your right thumb to tap and shoot.
If you're moving right, you press the right button and use your left thumb to tap and shoot.
from an academic design perspective it's an interesting mechanic. You get into rhythms of sorts and it just kinda feels right to me.
I'm not above criticism and suggestion though. At first I couldn't see what BB and RD were saying. How could they not like it?
But I thought long and hard about it and came up with a solution (system a) that I hope people might be more comfortable with.
Both systems are available in the options screen, so if you try the game, do give system b a go!
Additionally, you can set the opacity of the buttons to your liking. I play the game usually using system b, with the opacity set to 0. The buttons at the edges are big enough so that you know where they are, and the middle area is easy to hit. No visible controls! AWESOME
That's what I've found anyway!
Thanks all again for the encouragement and support! It is greatly appreciated!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
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Thanks fella!
$.99 to begin with, as I think it has limited appeal - it's not a 'typical' iphone game - so I want the barrier to entry to be a low as possible. I hope people give it a chance!
After that, probably $1.99
There will be a lite version released shortly after the game is available. So if you're not sure you'll like, you can always wait for that and give it a go!
I'm also in the process of going through all my other games and slowly making them free. As well as working on 'Project S', 'Project Air', and updating Kraken.
I have a lot of time on my hands right now, thankfully!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
About your controls, I have left/right buttons as well as up/downs buttons very similar to yours on the current version of Nesen Probe, and I've gotten some complaints about them, so I'm adding a joystick option to an update I'm hoping to get out tonight.
The thing I've noticed about the buttons is that often when you slide your thumb from on to the other, it doesn't consistently register the touch. I think that's what some have experienced and why they say the controls are not responsive. I tried changing the behavior to "mouse inside" and "mouse down" be that didn't seem to help. They work fine when you lift your finger up and press.
I think I'm going to like your original controls, version B, but with an audience that usually has an expectation of how things should work, as well as a limited amount of patience, you are smart to offer both right off the bat.
Nesen Probe
Tickle Stones
Food Fight! (free)
I think both controls work well to be honest - and I've been 'getting used' to system a
I don't think a joystick would really make much of a difference. There's no 'up or down' - it's just rotate left, rotate right.
I've played Nesen Probe (love it!) and I don't think it's the actual buttons that are the problem. Well, not responsiveness wise. I think it's the layout - having four buttons spaced out as you have means I have to 'think' too much to move. Which is why a joystick would probably help you out there a little.
Having said that, Mini squadron has a joystick and has the same kind of rotational movement as Kraken. So... if I get enough feedback to justify putting a joystick in, I'll certainly see if I can do it!
Do let me know what you think of the controls though. Who knows, maybe you'll be one of the few who can move the ship with their mind
Russian... must... think.. in... Russian...*
*bonus points if you get the reference
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I have had my eyes opened to a bunch of optimisation stuff though, so I'll give it a go at being playable on older hardware at some point.
Sorry! :O
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...