with stuff like this on your site http://www.sethsapps.com/4-0-software/ you will be lucky to hang on to your dev status let alone get your app in the store
If you look on ebay there are many people selling their developers 4.0 software license just like me. Im not to worried if there are that many people selling them on ebay.
To all of you who are concerned about my safety it has been taken off now. That page has been up for 3 weeks now and no word from apple plus I got some sales so Im happy haha Any other suggestions for my site?
@iluveunc: You state you are in the U.S. so you may want to make well sure you consulted with an attorney on the idea before going through with it. There are all sorts of things you must consider when running a contest/lottery/raffle/competition.
Also, besides getting a player's UDID, what sort of failsafes do you have in place to prevent jailbreak cheaters? I could send you a UDID, jailbreak, possibly look into the code or sniff wi-fi packets to see what is being sent, etc. Then automate that to generate clicks/data and win. Then un-jailbreak my phone and it looks legit. Big name players put a lot into anti-cheat but they are always overcome even if they know the UDID.
Also, you are using GS for this!? If so, you only have a direct user to URL if you are a Pro member, so are you using that as part of the anti-cheat mechanism in some way? Are you showing advertisements on that web page that is redirected to? Did you come up with some crazy math code creation in a few actor behaviors? A jailbroken phone with a GS package on it can give access to the GS gameproj that is contained within if I recall correctly. One could view that code pretty easily.
Since people have asked me about 20 times what if someone manages to cheat I will say once again that we have done our best to assure no one can get away with faking this. There is no info being sent to servers so theres none to intercept. We have put in 4 random words that only appear after the player has truly played a certain number of times. We have also incorporated a color coded ranking system so the hacker wouldnt know what color of trophy each level is as well as a hidden appearance change when the player reaches 1,000,000. All of these security measures are pretty extensive plus we have about 6 people who have already told us that they will buy the app on the first day and play it very aggressively so that we know about how soon the 1,000,000 mark will be reached and if those players are still sitting at 200,000 points and have been playing as much as possible we will know its a scam.
guys, let him try this! a very easy security measure: im going to be the first one to rech 1000000 taps and no one is going to stop me! im going to be tapping away day and night... i need this iPad...
in other words... if i dont win it someone has jailbroken the app....
As a matter of fact I have a big game coming out soon haha I dont put all of my Money into one thing. First of all I already have 5 apps in the app store and my big game plus an iPad app that will redefine the standards of free medical apps on itunes.
@East: My beef isn't with what he is doing. More with that they are going in a bit blind by the sounds of it.
Did they clear the idea with an attorney to cover their butt?
If this is truly a GS based app, one could easily get it off iTunes and then access the "gameproj" file that is within the app package and then reverse engineer the "color coded ranking", the "4 random words", etc.
If one were to look up how to protect against cheaters, the better ways are very complex. They usually involve sending timing and play data to a server, use encryption, etc. I don't really see GS providing any sort of countermeasure to protect against a cheat.
Either they are fine with being cheated or their "6 people" will contain the winner!? ;-)
I've thought about ideas as such and always wince at the legalities and/or the details that would go into securing such an endeavor. I wish them luck.
This topic was to announce the game not cause an uproar and since then I have taken down the offer and explained that it would be extremely hard to cheat. The attributes are named things that no one would even understand much less be able to change and know what they were changing. Attributes arent linked directly to each actor they are linked to other attributes which are linked to other things which are then sometimes linked to actors.
but if it does and you really are offering an ipad, then its got to be worth a punt.
If I did'nt spend all my time, at work, looking after a baby, making GS games, or writing on here, I'd probably buy it and try and be the first to a million....
Let us know, if it gets approved, how sales go and stuff.
Definitely! I have a watered down version of the app for iphone. Its called The Body. You can look it up the easiest by simply typing in Seth's Apps on itunes. As for TheBody HD which will be the ipad app i was talking about you can go to http://www.sethsapps.com/our-apps/thebody-hd/ and watch the slideshow of pics there of the app (theres about 10 pics) and I'll let you know when it gets on the app store if you want to leave your email. We are trying and succeeding at getting a few sponsors for the app so that it is free and if anyone else on here would like to sponsor it send me an email at [email protected] for pricing. But anyways if this app does get out for free it will be a steal, its a wealth of medical information! We have already started adding many more features for the first update!
iluveunc your project is ill-conceived, badly presented, and morally questionable. Your terms of sale, and your offering, has varied wildly during the course of this thread, putting the validly of any sales you may have made in serious doubt. Whilst, i am hopeful you did not intentionally enter this exercise with dishonourable intent, this kind of behaviour damages the GS community and threatens it's future. If you have indeed created this with GS, I would like to make a personal plea for you to remove your app and stop this project. If this isn't a GS project, i would still ask you to think very carefully about the moral implications of advertising gambling software on an open forum of all age groups.
mrfunkleberry said: iluveunc your project is ill-conceived, badly presented, and morally questionable. Your terms of sale, and your offering, has varied wildly during the course of this thread, putting the validly of any sales you may have made in serious doubt. Whilst, i am hopeful you did not intentionally enter this exercise with dishonourable intent, this kind of behaviour damages the GS community and threatens it's future. If you have indeed created this with GS, I would like to make a personal plea for you to remove your app and stop this project. If this isn't a GS project, i would still ask you to think very carefully about the moral implications of advertising gambling software on an open forum of all age groups.
next time I post to promote a game...my topic title will be...
'Ipad give away for app!!!!'
the number of replies has just passed the impressive '50' mark....
Since everyone's reading this thread....
please go and buy Quake Builder, if you buy it I will give you 2 ipads if you can get a score of more than 12,000 !!! thats right, just score a low 12,000 and I'll give you 2, yes 2... ipads...
@iluveunc, that ipad body app look quite impressive...I guess there is a big medical market out there, biology students, to full med students. I know my GP uses an iphone (for the stop watch) to check blood pressure/heart rate or something like that.
If you look on ebay there are many people selling their developers 4.0 software license just like me. Im not to worried if there are that many people selling them on ebay.
Of course no promos haha ive got to pay for an ipad here!
Also, besides getting a player's UDID, what sort of failsafes do you have in place to prevent jailbreak cheaters? I could send you a UDID, jailbreak, possibly look into the code or sniff wi-fi packets to see what is being sent, etc. Then automate that to generate clicks/data and win. Then un-jailbreak my phone and it looks legit. Big name players put a lot into anti-cheat but they are always overcome even if they know the UDID.
Also, you are using GS for this!? If so, you only have a direct user to URL if you are a Pro member, so are you using that as part of the anti-cheat mechanism in some way? Are you showing advertisements on that web page that is redirected to? Did you come up with some crazy math code creation in a few actor behaviors? A jailbroken phone with a GS package on it can give access to the GS gameproj that is contained within if I recall correctly. One could view that code pretty easily.
Something sounds a little jenky.
Perhaps you should work on a game that doesn't require a gimmick to receive sales.
im going to be the first one to rech 1000000 taps and no one is going to stop me! im going to be tapping away day and night... i need this iPad...
in other words... if i dont win it someone has jailbroken the app....
Safe enough for u?? XD
Did they clear the idea with an attorney to cover their butt?
If this is truly a GS based app, one could easily get it off iTunes and then access the "gameproj" file that is within the app package and then reverse engineer the "color coded ranking", the "4 random words", etc.
If one were to look up how to protect against cheaters, the better ways are very complex. They usually involve sending timing and play data to a server, use encryption, etc. I don't really see GS providing any sort of countermeasure to protect against a cheat.
Either they are fine with being cheated or their "6 people" will contain the winner!? ;-)
I've thought about ideas as such and always wince at the legalities and/or the details that would go into securing such an endeavor. I wish them luck.
someone said it might not get approved by apple,
but if it does and you really are offering an ipad, then its got to be worth a punt.
If I did'nt spend all my time, at work, looking after a baby, making GS games, or writing on here, I'd probably buy it and try and be the first to a million....
Let us know, if it gets approved, how sales go and stuff.
Medical app sounds interesting... any clues?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
please please may a have a promotion code, i can give you for the promotion code Fotos with me on the Fotos. I am a nice looking 21 years old boy.
'Ipad give away for app!!!!'
the number of replies has just passed the impressive '50' mark....
Since everyone's reading this thread....
please go and buy Quake Builder, if you buy it I will give you 2 ipads if you can get a score of more than 12,000 !!! thats right, just score a low 12,000 and I'll give you 2, yes 2... ipads...
link here:
@iluveunc, that ipad body app look quite impressive...I guess there is a big medical market out there, biology students, to full med students. I know my GP uses an iphone (for the stop watch) to check blood pressure/heart rate or something like that.