iPad Giveaway for app!!!

SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
As you may already know we are releasing TapXtreme soon and we just wanted to offer a little something special to our fellow game developers. The app hasnt even been sent in for review yet but the gaming community here deserves something! The app is finished and whoever makes it to 1,000,000 points first will get an iPad!!!!! We are offering a one time chance for you to get an extremely big head start on the race to the gold by selling a few pre-release copies of the app!

Please go to http://www.sethsapps.com/offer/ and buy your copy today for just $40.00 (an EXTREME value for a head start on getting a FREEEE ipad!) You will get an email and just reply with your UDID from your device and we will send you your copy of the game. The only pre-release version is the 300,000 point version which means you will be nearly 1/3 of the way there as soon as you get the app!

If you would really like to win and want the 500,000 point version on pre-release then send an email to [email protected] requesting just that and you will get a custom made one for a little bit more money.

Happy gaming!!!


  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
    Anyone want an iPad? I guess not! It would be wise to purchase now before anyone gets the app!!!
  • expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
    Don't you think that 40.00 is a bit too much for a pre-release?
  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
    Well since the real edition will be 15-20 and this is a race for an ipad and you get the app a week in advance thats pretty good. What do you think the price should be?
  • expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
    Well maybe that it a good price considering it will be 15-20 when released. I really like your idea for giving an ipad to the first person to get 1 million. I think it will definitely help with your sales. The only thing is, after you give the ipad away to the winner you should then give more and more prizes to people with higher scores because if you only give an ipad away and that's it, then people will not want to spend $20 knowing they can't win any prize. I really think that people will want to get your game if you keep on giving away prizes.
  • mrfunkleberrymrfunkleberry Member Posts: 424
    Hey i've got a better idea! Buy a scratch card for £1! yes that's right! only £1! You could win £250,000! That enough for an iPad and TapXtreme! AND you'll have just enough left over for an ice cream.
  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
    Considering I live in america and use USD that would be kind of hard mrfunkleberry plus your chances of winning are out of this world compared to buying a lottery ticket (what we call them here) and you can actually have fun while doing it.

    And yes more prizes will be given away. The first for the ipad is just to get started and then after that other smaller or maybe bigger contests will be held for 1.5 mil or 2 mil. and so on. Great idea artonskyblue and I hope to see you buy a pre release or regular version of the game when it comes out!
  • mrfunkleberrymrfunkleberry Member Posts: 424
    EDIT - Hey i've got a better idea! Buy a LOTTERY TICKET for $1! yes that's right! only $1! You could win 100 million dollars (dollars is the currency in the USA, it's different to the UK)! That enough for an iPad and TapXtreme! AND you'll have just enough left over for an ice cream AND OTHER FUN STUFF. Better? you didn't post any odds so i can only assume thay are the same or worse than the lottery.

    Also if you say the odds are 'Out of this world' that means the odds are heavily stacked against you.

    My point is $40/$20/$15 is far too high a price for a competition entry, where you don't post odds and the prize is an iPad. Even if you gave $1 million away every week, it still wouldn't compare to the lottery. If you say you can give better odds than the lottery and still give away that kind of money then you're going to be broke, very quickly.
  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
    Just pay $500 USD and your odds will be 100% that's better than any lottery ticket!
  • mrfunkleberrymrfunkleberry Member Posts: 424
    Chances of winning the lottery (uk) = 1 in 13,983,816 - cost £1
    Chances of winning the lottery (uk) %100% = 2 in 13,983,816 - cost £2

    So you're saying for $500 i have a 2 in 13,983,816 chance of winning an iPad??!!!

    There's only 3 things that are happening here.

    1. You're not explaining the structure and odds of the competition you are running properly.
    3. You haven't thought this through.
    3. This is a scam

    EDIT - Sorry i miss-read your previous post. Your saying if i spend $500 on your competition, i have a 100% of winning a iPad. Ok. Is that more/less/the same as going to an apple store?
  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
    Thank you tshirtbooth and remember it will be less when it comes out. And yes 500 dollars would be just going to the app store. When the app is released odds will go off of how many people buy the app. Let's say 40 people buy the app, you have a 1/40 chance of winning an iPad! This is a great offer!
  • EastboundEastbound Member, BASIC Posts: 1,074
    Well by charging people extra to compete for a free item... well that doesn't really sound free.
  • JGary321JGary321 Member Posts: 1,246
    For those that know me, you know I have never said anything negative on these boards. But I cannot hold back on this. Prepare for rant.


    Who the heck is gonna pay $40 for a tap game for a chance to win an iPad? I pity the person that falls for this crap. I never speak out against people's ideas, but this as a whole is a very bad idea. I wish people luck with their sales, I do NOT wish this junk luck. Make a real game & earn your sales the honest way.

    As mrfunkleberry has pointed out, there are not even any conditions. You do not have the terms laid out. How do they get their item? How do they even know SOMEONE will get an iPad?

    You also said "and you can actually have fun while doing it." You have not even shown a picture/video of game play. So I am supposed to shell out $40 (2/3's the cost of a BRAND NEW Xbox 360 game) for something I don't even know I will win & worse yet don't even know if I will have fun with? Cmon dude this is garbage. Whoever buys this in the app store is an idiot. You can't sell this crap for $15. This would be a great idea if it were $1. But at $40 pre-release? And then $15-$20 in store?? Wow....

    I agree with mrfunkleberry, I call this scam.

    Part of me wishes like 5 people will buy this, just so they could win the iPad & then you would be in the negative for pulling a stunt like this. However, the more humane part of me wishes for you to break even & never try this again. If you DO break even learn your lesson the first time & move on.

    I'm sorry if this offends, but GS is an awesome tool, and to see scams like this coming out from it is offensive to me. I have been with GS since it started Beta way back early last year, & I have never seen a more horrendous idea come to these boards.

    (Wall of text crits for 1,984,837,984,273,384 DAMAGE!)

    My name is JGary & I approve this message.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    My name is quantumsheep, and I approve of JGary.

    I was going to write a long boring post that nobody would read, but that's been done already ;)

    Instead, inspired by the audacity of sethsapps, I've put up a preview version of my upcoming 'Win-an-iPad' app on GameSalad, here: http://gamesalad.com/game/play/57154

    You have to tap the fast moving, invisible button a million times to win the iPad. However, this version starts your counter off at 999,999 - YOU ONLY HAVE TO TAP THE FAST MOVING, INVISIBLE BUTTON *ONCE* TO WIN!!!!

    The cost of the app will be $1,500 - HURRY FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN!!!111!!!

    If you don't win, you can console yourself by enjoying the amazing gameplay!


    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
    Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io

  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    $10 for a great app where you could win an iPad = acceptable.

    $40 for a mediocre app where you could win an iPad = GTFO.
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    @QS well that brightened up my morning...
  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
    First of all no one has even read any previous posts! The game is 0.99 cents if you want to start out at 0 points! The $40.00 offer has been taken down; and when the app is released you will only pay more than 0.99 if you want points to be pre-added to your score. Now who here wouldnt pay 0.99 cents for a chance to win an ipad and play a game??

    As for the gameplay, its just bubbles that move across the screen and you have to tap them. They get faster and smaller as the game goes along and you are rewarded with different trophies to eliminate cheating plus a few other prevention methods. What kind of gameplay do you want? Thats all there is to it I wanted it simple so someone could win an ipad and so this game could be for a 4 year old too but apparently thats all people here act like when they dont read or ask any questions. THE BASIC VERSION OF THE GAME IS 0.99 CENTS DONT GO ALL CRAZY!!!

    And for a few days here I thought people at game salad were kind of nice...now admins are shooting low comments at fellow developers! Thats sad GS thats really sad :(
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    No admins have posted. Sous-Cefs are just dudes who have been here awhile and have helped us out time and time again. They don't work for gendai.

    @QS - I was so close to $1,000,000! That invisible button is sneaky!
  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
    Well thats what I meant and 0.99 cents for a chance to win an ipad and everyone goes ballistic because they think its a scam!
  • RHRH Member Posts: 1,079

    actually, I have read your other posts and so I did know about the 0.99 cents it's just you didn't make it clear that you were keeping that.

    Also, as i suggested in the other thread, I think you need to think it through a bit more. I.e. are there certain countries that you aren't willing to ship to? Will you pay shipping? Duties? etc. You should make this information clear to whoever is buying it.
  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
    I put together a few main standards last night and they can be found at www.sethsapps.com/milliontaps at the very bottom of the page. Please tell me a few other things to put on the list @RH and ill be glad to specify on them.
  • RHRH Member Posts: 1,079

    ahh, didn't see that :) sorry
  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
    Haha its fine. Sorry for exploding just all these comments about scam and other things have really got me worked up and I dont see how its a rip off. Thats how much a lottery ticket costs (a cheap one) and you can have a 1/40* or 1/50* chance of winning an ipad!

    * Numbers depend on how many people buy the app.
  • JGary321JGary321 Member Posts: 1,246
    iluveunc said:
    Well since the real edition will be 15-20 and this is a race for an ipad and you get the app a week in advance thats pretty good. What do you think the price should be?

    You now state that the iPad version is .99? If you truly plan on releasing this at .99 than thats great, as I said in my post above.

    As scitunes has stated there are no admins in here. We are devs just like yourself who are entitled to their own opinions. You can check all my forums posts and see that there are no mean spirited posts in my record, I just found this idea too absurd to not comment on.

    As far as gameplay, yes the gameplay is simple & that is fine, but no where was it stated WHAT the gameplay was like, that's why the comment was made about that.

    Overall, IF you take down the $40 pre-release (which is still up) then this will be a cool idea at $1. I hope it succeeds and you do well.

    The whole thing about this being a scam/ripoff was simply due to the outrageous price of $40 pre-release & as you yourself stated $15-$20 once released. So at $1 I think this is perfectly acceptable.

    Good Luck
  • CodeCodeCodeCode Member Posts: 200
    I think exactly the same as JGary321

    and by the way, how are you supposed to know who got the 1.000.000 points?????
  • EastboundEastbound Member, BASIC Posts: 1,074
    I think jail breakers could easily access your verification screen, though I may be wrong.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    RH said:

    so, erm


    Oooh! Well done!

    Unfortunately, I'd already got a million taps while testing it!


    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
    Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io

  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
    @JGary321 Thanks for understanding and I have taken down the $40.00 one so I just need everyones support in spreading the word and buying the app once it hits the app store!

    As for the last two comments I have gotten that a lot haha but dont worry I have 3 different securities in place that eliminate even being able to cheat. Plus the verification screen isnt a whole screen its a combination of different things that have to be submitted and are all explained on the game instructions. Thanks everyone please help spread the word and buy any of the copies of the app once it hits the app store!
  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328

    I made it vague in the game so that it (hopefully) wont get rejected. The main info is on my site so that shouldn't be a problem but if it is I will just make it more vague. Thanks for asking and the warning though.
  • CodeCodeCodeCode Member Posts: 200
    any promotion codes?????? ;-)
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