Here I let you an alien character I made, if you let me your emails by private message I can also send you the Photoshop file so that you can add any movement. Hope it will be useful for you and if you wanna use it in any project just let me know you used it and give me a space in your credits
@gamedivision said:
here are a couple of backgrounds i banged out real quick,they come with the illustrator files and the png file if you don't have illustrator.hope you like them and from time to time i'll be putting stuff up for free,or if you have some requests and its simple enough i'll do them.
@Pixelgun said:
Some Super Mario style blocks I made. 128X128 Pixels. If anyone needs them bigger, lemme know. Feel free to use them in any project, a credit would be nice if you do use them.
They look great! Will consider using them in a game.
Only your imagination is the limit. Use these beautiful FREE Pixel Art assets to create the game and share your story to the world. Any character can be the main character in this theme! Why not use a princess or a dragon as the main character to battle your way through this epic fantasy theme – Pixelantasy.
24 Assets in Total:
7 Characters with Animations (Sizes: 64×64 to 96×96 Pixels)
Welcome. hope to see them in a game..:-)
@VeiraGames would you still have that knight pixel animation?
space background
another background
this waves can be used to animate water
How about one post with all images or a link to a zip file. My phone has blown up !
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
Here I let you an alien character I made, if you let me your emails by private message I can also send you the Photoshop file so that you can add any movement. Hope it will be useful for you and if you wanna use it in any project just let me know you used it and give me a space in your credits
Where can i get a beaver with animation?
Pay someone to do it or search the internet. Asking for free art is not allowed. So stop asking!
✮ FREE templates at GSinvention ✮
✮ Available for hire! [email protected] ✮
does anyone have an iceblock sprite
and a letter pack Did you read the post right before yours?
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Hey guys I'm coming up with my first in a bit... stay tuned
Just thought I would say that if anyone wants (custom) free pixel art then head over to my post here! offer ends in 2 days!
Sorry if this is not allowed.
Its nice.
They look great! Will consider using them in a game.
I'll produce art assets for free this week only.
Send me a message and I'll get back to you.
Enjoy these royalty free spritesheets!
6 various characters, each with multiple dynamic moves.
Download Some Extra art I either didn't need or are messed up. its through mediafire until I get my website working
These are sweet. Good job !
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
Pixelantasy Theme - FREE Pixel Art Sprites Assets

Only your imagination is the limit. Use these beautiful FREE Pixel Art assets to create the game and share your story to the world. Any character can be the main character in this theme! Why not use a princess or a dragon as the main character to battle your way through this epic fantasy theme – Pixelantasy.
24 Assets in Total:
Download: Free Pixelantasy Theme
Read Free Assets License Terms
Nice arts. I want to download one of the free packs but it wants my credit card informations so i didnt get it but nice arts
Yes. Very nice art
revised version of my dump art. they are from games that just never worked out...
free junk art
Thanks for your feedback. We will consider removing unnecessary info such as credit card.