Free Art and Graphics!!!! (Assets, Backgrounds, Art Packs, Etc…)
Due to the Recent Generosity of Members offering up Free Art to the Community I have created this thread that will remain a Sticky within the Art and Graphics Category of the Forum.
So Post all of your free art here so we can keep it all in one place.
Another thing, While I understand the need to make sure these very generous ppl understand how much we appreciate their work lets try and not fill this thread will comments about the art so we can keep this thread nice and tidy and very useful for everyone to find this great art.
If you have an old thread that has not been added to this feel free to repost it to this thread Or PM me a link and I'll merge it in as long as your old thread is newer than the date on this post.
I have edited and old useless Thread of mine to give it an older date so this post stays at the top of the thread. So don't be shocked about the Year old Date.
Enjoy and I hope this really helps ppl out. I'll be trying to merge in several of the most recent Free art Threads I have seen recently.
Edit: Something for the art posters to keep in mind. a lot of time when you post an image in the forum is it resized at some point either from the image host or the forum. so if you are intending on making high res backgrounds for example. Make sure you proved a download link to the full size image. If its not your intent definitely no big deal. The arts free and beggars cant be choosy. Just mentioning it for you to keep n mind. as I have noticed lots of the back ground images are very odd sizes.
So Post all of your free art here so we can keep it all in one place.
Another thing, While I understand the need to make sure these very generous ppl understand how much we appreciate their work lets try and not fill this thread will comments about the art so we can keep this thread nice and tidy and very useful for everyone to find this great art.
If you have an old thread that has not been added to this feel free to repost it to this thread Or PM me a link and I'll merge it in as long as your old thread is newer than the date on this post.
I have edited and old useless Thread of mine to give it an older date so this post stays at the top of the thread. So don't be shocked about the Year old Date.

Enjoy and I hope this really helps ppl out. I'll be trying to merge in several of the most recent Free art Threads I have seen recently.
Edit: Something for the art posters to keep in mind. a lot of time when you post an image in the forum is it resized at some point either from the image host or the forum. so if you are intending on making high res backgrounds for example. Make sure you proved a download link to the full size image. If its not your intent definitely no big deal. The arts free and beggars cant be choosy. Just mentioning it for you to keep n mind. as I have noticed lots of the back ground images are very odd sizes.
You could also use the "Otherwise" portion of the rule. If overlap or collides with actor... do nothing... otherwise change scene.
In each actor that needs to be destroyed have a change attribute behavior:
-change game.NumberOfActors to game.NumberOfActors+1
This will set the number of actors to be destroyed automatically.
Then in each actor that needs to be destroyed put another change attribute behavior in the destroy rule BEFORE the destroy actor behavior:
-change game.NumberOfActors to game.NumberOfActors-1
Then in an invisible actor (NOT one that gets destroyed) have a rule that says
when game.numberOfActors=0
-do win sequence (change scene, etc.)
If you find that GS is reading this last rule before loading in all of the actors that are setting the actor number you may want to wrap that last rule in a rule that says:
-when self.time > 2
That way it will not check it for 2 seconds and this way you will not need to use a timer by using self.time.
but seriously, these images and buttons are awesome!
To learn how to use these images easily with Gamesalad click here:
"Something for the art posters to keep in mind. a lot of time when you post an image in the forum is it resized at some point either from the image host or the forum. so if you are intending on making high res backgrounds for example. Make sure you proved a download link to the full size image. If its not your intent definitely no big deal. The arts free and beggars cant be choosy. Just mentioning it for you to keep n mind. as I have noticed lots of the back ground images are very odd sizes."
Thanks guys the community definitely can benefit from this generosity.
Again if anyone knows of other other free art threads let me know and i'll add them in here.
Its just a reminder to the artist so their art is as useful as possible to the most people. and that the people they are giving it to are getting what the artist intended for.
Free Art
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Here is my first package. Put it on about a month ago, but it needs to be in here.
2 sets of sunbursts, solid colors & gradient colors
9 Different Sunbursts.
13 different color variations.
Download Here
Download Here
Edit 1: @RKS I have like 234 on that one... :P
- Alex
A Free Border Pack for your icons. Includes 3 different types of borders.
- Hard Edges
- Soft Edged
- Striped Edged
And a PSD file, so you can make your own desired color if I missed it.
I think it has around 86 512X512 .jpg images for you.
Download Here
Download Here