Completed my "build in 30 minutes" game!
I'm not proud of the fact that I jumpstarted by stealing the concept and some assets from an existing game, but I do hope that it will help me demonstrate to the guys at geekcamp that GameSalad is worth some of their dev time.
Since I now have time to tweak it, I will try to replace all the stolen assets with things that I can legally distribute so that there should not be any issues when I release the source code for others to study.
If the screencast dry-run works, I'll be posting that up too. ^_^
Since I now have time to tweak it, I will try to replace all the stolen assets with things that I can legally distribute so that there should not be any issues when I release the source code for others to study.
If the screencast dry-run works, I'll be posting that up too. ^_^
Borrowing an idea to help you teach others isn't such a bad thing, anyway :P
So last night, I started a new clone project which is the one I'm going to demo now. I will definitely plug the original so that they get due credit, even after I've replaced all their assets.
And I'm going to be presenting / filming it in 1 hour's time *gulp*
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
If anyone's interested, here's a video preview of the full prototype that I did as practice. ^_^
As promised, here's the source (also from the prototype since the one today is not absolutely complete)
I didn't want to upload to GS since the assets are really still the ones ripped from Kung Fu Touch. I hope the inline ad helps them to pardon my ripping their assets. ~.^
One thing I'd advise though is to completely remove the ripped assets from your source. While I know it's not for sale and you used it for non-profit demo purposes, there are less scrupulous types who might use it for EVIL.
Just sayin'
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
But, say, I wonder what the community here would think if I opened this up for original contribution from anyone. A truly open-sourced effort then with GS users chipping in. We really only need to replace a few assets and we should be done. My friend has allowed his face to remain for comic effect.
If this is perhaps the first feasible attempt for GS guys to collaborate, I'd gladly coordinate, including putting in notes in the source code itself to explain what's going on as well as to credit contribution.