Jittering when actor is following another
im trying to have it where this side character begins following the main character but with an offset when the main player stops. lets say the main charcter moves 50 pixel to the left, the side character moves 25 characters to the left and stays far from that distance from the main guy but when I attempted, the side character stops but jitters and doesnt play the idle animation and just continues the running one.
Hi there! Can you explain using the rules and behaviors? E.g. Move To with a Timer (every .3 seconds or something) should help create a nice follow effect.
GameSalad Templates and Custom Development at the Official Marketplace: http://gshelper.com
I have attributes contrained to the main guy and the moving rules for the side guy are
the stopping rules are these:
also the problem with the moveto behavior is that the side character has no gravity and with the timer follow, it is very jittery when following the main guy
and what i just realized is that he stopped moving after a little bit of jittering when he "stops" next to me
thank you for trying to help but i have fixed the issue.
Nice! Can you share how you did it? (Just in case someone in the future has the same problem) @student0039_burbankusd_org
GameSalad Templates and Custom Development at the Official Marketplace: http://gshelper.com