State of the Salad March 2025
The "long compile" last night was a success so it's time for some testing. Once testing is past the "does it all load and do what we expect" point, we'll be working on getting a few RCs down the pipeline:
- New text functions
- Updated ad networks
- Upgrade our version of freetype2 (emojiis)
The new text functions will include:
- textReverse
- textToUpper
- textToLower
- textUrlEncode
- textTrim
The toUpper and toLower functions came about because we know some of you are using the "lua" versions of those functions, which will break on JS. Reverse is to help support people rendering in right-to-left languages and textTrim was just an easy addition. UrlEncode will be handy for those of you creating URLs for use with the network behaviors. These will be available in Creator 2 first and should work if you manually type them into Creator 1.25, but it will take us a bit longer to update the two Creator 1.25 to make these available.
The freetype2 upgrade is not a guarantee (at least not in the short term). I was about to start it, but figured I should get the first two updates out first before taking on the risk of the next updating a core library. The latest freetype2 might have enough api changes that it will take longer than expected so it might be broken into two parts, upgrade and then emojis.
Just to give you all an update on the things we've been working on:
- Moving to a new payment system that will handle taxes for us and allow more payment types internationally
- Improving the UX of Creator 2
- Rearranging the codebase to allow for faster builds
- Researching implementing AI into the platform.
We figured we needed to take a break from these behind the scenes things, since none of them are ready yet, and get some engine updates out to you!
If any of you have ideas for new expression functions that would be handy (think math or text functions), let us know and we'll see what we can do!
Back to the code mines so you don't have to (though i guess new expression functions is really empowering you all to code a bit more...)
Hi @adent42 , Thank you for the update. As said on a different post, AI AI AI.
Ad for ideas for new expression functions, a "replace and delete" will be very handy.
startText: W100W200W300WdogWredWrunW
replace W200 with Wdog
aftertext: W100WdogW300WredWrunW
instead of the current replace today where the aftertext will be: W100WdogW300WdogWredWrunW
One example this can be useful for, Create a random list without repeat.
another idea will be a "switch places"
startText: W100W200W300WdogWredWrunW
switch W200 with Wdog
aftertext: W100WdogW300W200WredWrunW
i think what' you're looking for @zarzir is a regexp replace (i.e. this will give you the flexibility of doing both of these replaces). I'll look into it, but probably not for this release!
Great thanks.
@adent42 Thanks for this great work!! The textReverse will be amazing!
Can you add some fix to issue with long Right-to-Left text?
Issue: when pasting long Right-to-Left inside Display text behavior and enabling the 'Warp inside the actor' the lines are getting incorrect, the last words of every line will go up instead of down..
If you need more info send me PM I will explain more and show you what i mean(: