Google Play Publishing Issue - FOREGROUND_SERVICE_DATA_SYNC
I'm encountering a new issue when attempting to update my games on Google Play:
Your app uses the FOREGROUND_SERVICE_DATA_SYNC permission. You can only use this permission if your app performs tasks noticeable to the user when they're not directly interacting with your app.
Is there a way that we can remove this when publishing?
This isn't something we're explicitly using, so I need to find out which lib is adding it. If you DM me your project, I might be able to find it more quickly. If you have analytics enabled, then it's probably for background analytics submission. If it's just ad networks, then it's for background ad downloading.
@adent42 - I've DM'd the publishing link for the project.
It does use admob for ads, but doesn't use analytics.
I've built apps in another game engine which use also admob and they're not receiving this issue form Google.
K, this looks like it's being added by google IAP for it's Play Asset Delivery system (used for app greater than 200mb).
From what I can tell you need to declare Network processing / Other. I'm still researching if we can remove the permission based on how we install by default.
Ok, thanks for looking into this.
From what I've now read elsewhere it sounds as though we may have trouble getting Google to accept our app updates with this permission if it is not needed. From Google:
"You can only use this permission if your app performs tasks noticeable to the user when they're not directly interacting with your app"
I saw in a forum post that someone just submitted a video of installing their app on android, but I know what you mean. Hopefully I'll have this sorted by end-of-week.
Thanks @adent42 , I'll hold off for now then - and hopefully put out app updates when this is fixed.
@DigiChain i put in the patch to remove the FOREGROUND_SERVICE_DATA_SYNC permission. Rebuild and resubmit!
Thanks @adent42 , looks like the issue is now resolved, app update is in review.