Still Being Updated And Supported ?

Is GameSalad still being updated and supported ?


  • uptimistikuptimistik Key Master, Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 306

    Hi there! Absolutely, take a look at the list of goodies coming soon:

    GameSalad Templates and Custom Development at the Official Marketplace:

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200

    That thread is a bit old, I should throw out something new soon...

  • PendergastPendergast Member Posts: 3

    Thank you both. Just one more question. There appears to be both a dowwnload editor and an online editor.

    Is there any advantage using one ove

  • PendergastPendergast Member Posts: 3

    Meant to say............Is there any advantage using one over the other? Thank you again for the quick responses.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200

    Download editor has more content devoted (youtube), can handle larger games more easily, and has "native" engine preview, which is the engine used by the mobile app targets. Also works offline.

    Online editor is more advanced and will eventually become the "one true editor" and is, in my opinion, easier to use.

    Most people on the forums stick to the native editors since that's what they're used to, but I personally think people should start with the online creator for now.

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