Any issues with running the .app export on M2 Macs?

LokitoesLokitoes Member, PRO Posts: 187

Hi all!

I have searched for this topic but unfortunately 'm2' is not a great search term. I was wondering if anyone has experience running Mac .app export on an M2 Mac? I am building something for installation on one of these machines, however I won't have the ability to test it, I will simply send them the file to install it. So I am a little worried that I won't know that it doesn't work until it is too late to change anything.

Does anyone have any experience with the M2 macs, and bugs to look out for?


  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    I need to check again, but the last I checked they ran fine on M1, so I don't why there should a problem with M2. *crosses fingers*

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