Can I create pet caring game with a shop feature to buy items in GameSalad?

cucu.hermawancucu.hermawan Member Posts: 2
edited January 2024 in Help Wanted

I'm looking for SaaS platform that can help me creating a pet caring game. Some requirements for the game are described below. Can I make it with GameSalad?

  1. It shall have a shop feature to buy for items (food, toy, expand house, etc.)
  2. User get money from daily income (default set)
  3. The game shall have cycle of time (e.g., day). The user can buy items, play with the pet, and then end the day manually.
  4. The price of items in the shop shall change everyday to show the consumer price index / inflation concept.
  5. There shall be a quiz at the end of the day. Answering the quiz correctly will give user some money or items.


  • uptimistikuptimistik Key Master, Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 306

    Hi @cucu.hermawan welcome to GameSalad! This is definitely possible, searching around the forums or on the marketplace you can find each of those items on your list.

    If development time is a concern, and this is your first time developing in GameSalad, I also provide custom game development. Send me a PM if interested! 🕹️

    GameSalad Templates and Custom Development at the Official Marketplace:

  • cucu.hermawancucu.hermawan Member Posts: 2

    Thank you @uptimistik for your response. Your offer is also on my consideration.

    I want to clarify one more thing. Say we use GameSalad for the development. Upon completion of the development, can we embed the game on a website? Or we can only put the link on the website which will redirect to the game?

  • uptimistikuptimistik Key Master, Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 306

    @cucu.hermawan yes indeed, you can embed an HTML5 version of the game in a website. Here is an example:

    GameSalad Templates and Custom Development at the Official Marketplace:

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