Please help! How do I save my games for good?

I have made a handfull of games for school pretty much a year ago. I worked very hard on all of them and I would like to save them so I can remake them some day or just have them around to keep. I have downloaded all of my projects but I all that's in the files of the games are HTML code, images, and sounds. I am worried that my game salad account may be deleted soon, so please help me! What should I do with my old games to save them?


  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    Use the Download button on the top segmented menu (between Publishing Help and Remove Game). That will download a zip file of the GameSalad .gameproj which can be used GameSalad Creator desktop or reuploaded to the publishing portal and imported back into GameSalad Creator 2.0.

    Another option is to check with the school to see if you can change the email address on your account to your personal email address after the school is "done" with it, and claim it as your own.

    Then you can keep all of your work and continue with the same account.

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