Google Play API Level 33 / Android 13 Requirement
This has been asked for in various threads so I though I'd pin a note up here.
We're currently working on a new release to address this issue. The issue will be addressed in an RC release ("Build RC").
We had hoped to get the release out to you on Wed August 23, but ran into some issues. The RC would generate okay, but would crash on device.
As of right now (Aug 24, 2PM CT) the RC release is now in a "usable" state, i.e. we have gotten a release with no ads running on a device. We are currently testing with various ad network configurations.
Current Guidance:
- If you have no ads, a Build RC release should be safe to submit to Google Play.
- If you have ads, try a Build RC release, but be sure to test on your own device first.
- Admob - Tested - You should be good to go.
- Chartboost - Tested. Doesn't crash, but no test ads yet. Safe to publish in a pinch, but be ready to update.
- IronSrc - Tested. Doesn't crash, but no test ads yet. Safe to publish in a pinch, but be ready to update.
We'll keep this post updated as things progress.
Updated 2023-08-25
Sounds great! To confirm - IAP is working okay?
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Still testing that, but there were not a lot of changes.
We haven't fully tested, but we have reports that an IAP app was successfully submitted, so I think it should be good to go. I haven't been able to successfully get IronSrc and Chartboost to display ads yet, but they didn't crash things.
Usually this just means we need to adjust the configuration or wait for ads to download to the device, so I'd roll the dice and submit it.
Will give it a go over the weekend, thanks!
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Just tested with Admob and successfully submitted to Google Play.
Some apps have been updated to API 33. Thank you.
However, the build published by RC has issues with PlayPass.
I have received reports from Google that the paywall does not appear after the subscription is cancelled.
Changing the settings in the console or building with Build AAB (API 31) rather than RC did not fix the problem.
I had a problem in the past, so I inserted the license key, checked Google IAP, and it worked without problem. (It was set as if IAP existed)
Play Pass is not a subscription using IAP, but should I check Subscriptions Present on the publishing Google page?
Or are there any changes related to IAP in this RC?
@Binny, I'm not sure about Play Pass integration, so I've applied to google to get more information. If you have any links to documentation, please send them our way and we can check on things.
@adent42, Thank you. This is the content of the email I received from Google.
Integration Issues:
We are currently not seeing a paywall from Play when a subscription is no longer active. Please refer back to the licensing guide to ensure that the title is properly checking for the license status using the LVL, ideally at launch. In the event that the license server cannot be reached, consider caching the server response for a set number of days by using a validity timestamp.
For more info:
Since it may be a testing issue, I contacted Google about console settings (license testing).
Great, thanks! I needed to know which docs to check against so I'll look into the licensing reference later this week or next week. Right now we're working on a long overdue issue with the MacOS build.
Thank you!! I will check the console settings and test settings in more detail.
Are there any RC modifications related to IAP and LVL?
Would there be any problem if I checked "Subscriptions Present" and published (even though there is actually no IAP)?
The reason that checkbox exists is that on Android IAP an Subscriptions are different types of items and you need to make an explicit query to get subscription information.
So if you don't check to enable Google IAP but check Subscriptions Present, nothing will happen.
If you enable Google Play IAP support and check Subscriptions Present, but don't have subscriptions, it will take extra time to query for subscription IAP items when you request it, but it won't hurt anything.
Thank you for answer.
Since I haven't been able to update for a while, I'll first check "Subscriptions Present" and publish to test it.
I got the same message for my game.
But within my ANDROID SETTINGS the Minimum SDK Level I see reflected is 29.
It doesn't allow me to choose a higher number.
Can anyone help?
I helped him directly via support, but just so everone else knows.
The Minimum SDK Level is the minimum supported, not the target SDK level Google Play is looking for.
If you use the Build RC button, you will get an AAB / APK that is built targeting SDK 33.
I received a response that it was integrated without a problem in a new build with "Subscriptions Present" checked.
It It has now been published and updated with a new build.
Is “Subscriptions Present” related to LVL and paywall in Playpass?
I'm not 100% sure, but I would assume Playpass is a subscription.