TableSearch function...?
Hi all. Ex-user coming back post-covid to build a little something...
I was wondering whether anybody could point me in the direction of the TableSearch function? I'm using 1.25.103, and for the life of me I can't seem to find it. Has it been removed? renamed? I can see LoopOverTable, but not TableSearch...
Any help or advice most gratefully received.
Please ignore previous message. Long Covid brain fart, taking me a while to wake up & get my bearings. Sorry for the intrusion... :)
Whaaat @kobayaashi Bubblz! back to GS! Glad to know you're ok and still developing!
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Bubblz! That takes me back! Thanks for the welcome back, @uptimistik - I'm battling the long covid brain-death, trying to work out a new puzzle-based creation, but if my grey matter rematerialises, I might ponder something less cerebral and more fun! Onwards & upwards...