Ideas on how to make a proper card system?
Hello everybody.
I am trying to make a solitaire game using gamesalad and I'm having a multitude of problems. Instead of listing them all out, I could get input from others as I may not be seeing this from the best perspective.
How would you tackle creating a working card system? (Note - I already have the randomization almost perfect, but I know how to fix it).
Thank you!
Card Drawing might be helpful?
How exactly would I put that into my project? I'm kind of confused
Are you using Creator 2 or Desktop Creator, @JazzyJVT ?
I'm using desktop creator
Actually, I'm not sure what I'm using. I'm on a chrome browser and am using
Yah, that's Creator 2.0 / Web Creator. Desktop creator you download. This is going to be a bit long winded, sorry:
To import a project into Creator 2 go to:
Drag the zip file for the project you want to start with into the "Drop file here to upload" box.
Follow the prompts to create a new Game in the publishing system.
Go back to creator, click on settings (the gear on the bottom left).
Click on Published Projects
Hover over the new project and click on the Cloud with the down arrow to the right of project name.
Now when you go into My Projects, you'll see the new project!
Sorry about the long chain of instructions. We're going to be working on a better import system soon, but since we have something that works, it's a bit lower in the list.
Thank you! I got it to work
When I loaded the project, two errors appeared and I don't think I fixed them properly. The two highlighted bits are what was fixed and now the preview screen won't load.
Can you DM me a link to your project? I think I know what needs to be looked at.