Game Salad Crashing in Win10: reproducable

ester.denhamester.denham Member, BASIC Posts: 24

To whom it may concern;

I am working with Windows 10 and the Windows Creator. While creating tables I am experiencing a crash of the program. It always happens in the same row and column. I enter the data into the cell as string "S". I then add similar strings to all the corresponding cells in that row. I save my game and close game salad. The next time I open game salad, all the data in that column shows as blank. I try to type the letters into each cell of the column again. As I press enter into the first cell, the program crashes.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Miss Faith πŸ™Ž


Hm...Does building games with Gamesalad ever get you craving Kale? Seriously! I can't stop thinking about Kale now! πŸ€ͺ


  • uptimistikuptimistik Key Master, Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 306

    I'm not sure about Windows Creator since I don't have access to a Windows machine, but I'd suggest working in a spreadsheet program (Google Sheets, excel etc) and importing the spreadsheet directly into GS. That has given me the most consistent results.

    GameSalad Templates and Custom Development at the Official Marketplace:

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200

    @ester.denham could you DM me a link to your project file (easiest way is to publish it and send me the publishing link), so we can try to debug the issue? Thanks!

  • ester.denhamester.denham Member, BASIC Posts: 24
    edited February 2023

    Sorry it took me so long to reply. I wasn't sure where to get the URL. I eventually found the play button and used the URL from that. Please let me know if you meant something different. The chart causing the issue is called T-Weekday Naming

    Miss Faith πŸ™Ž


    Hm...Does building games with Gamesalad ever get you craving Kale? Seriously! I can't stop thinking about Kale now! πŸ€ͺ

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200

    Oh no, i mean the link to the page where you found the play button:

  • ester.denhamester.denham Member, BASIC Posts: 24

    Had a feeling I got that wrong. LOL

    Ok, here is the correct link...

    Miss Faith πŸ™Ž


    Hm...Does building games with Gamesalad ever get you craving Kale? Seriously! I can't stop thinking about Kale now! πŸ€ͺ

  • ester.denhamester.denham Member, BASIC Posts: 24

    Hi there! How goes it? Did I link to you correctly this time? Will the fix happen automatically or should I expect to wait for the next update? I hope it is an easy fix for you. Or maybe something I just need to fix on my end...

    Hope to hear back soon.☺️

    Miss Faith πŸ™Ž


    Hm...Does building games with Gamesalad ever get you craving Kale? Seriously! I can't stop thinking about Kale now! πŸ€ͺ

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200

    That's the correct link. We're working on a few other projects so I haven't had a chance to look into it yet, but should be able to this week.

  • ester.denhamester.denham Member, BASIC Posts: 24

    I noticed it do it on another project. It happens after I added new rows to the table. The data in the columns disappeared as if erased. Then, when I clicked the cells to try and put them back in, it allows me to type back into the cell. But, when I hit the enter key it crashes. I am going to try to import my tables as a work around.

    Miss Faith πŸ™Ž


    Hm...Does building games with Gamesalad ever get you craving Kale? Seriously! I can't stop thinking about Kale now! πŸ€ͺ

  • ester.denhamester.denham Member, BASIC Posts: 24

    The import feature is not working.πŸ€”

    Miss Faith πŸ™Ž


    Hm...Does building games with Gamesalad ever get you craving Kale? Seriously! I can't stop thinking about Kale now! πŸ€ͺ

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