Android target API 30 problem
I read in the forum, that I should use the RC Build option to "fix" the problem, getting the info in the Google Developer-Console when updating an old app.
Before I will upload it to Google I first ever want to test it on my smartphone.
Is it right, that the name of the filename is completely different, that when I make a normal build (it's something like: "appoutput18.apk").
When I try to test the app on my smartphone I get a parsing error, but when I make a normal build, it works without problems, but then I have the same problem with target API 30.
Because my app is very old, I can update it with a APK instead of an AAB...
I've tried also to make an internal test with this app and get then this error:
Failed to run aapt dump badging: ERROR: dump failed because no AndroidManifest.xml found
Thanks for your help...
Contact for CS team (blue chat bubble) and they will be able to help I think. My guess is the commands to extract the APK didn't quite work right, so hopefully they'll be able to help you figure that out.
Thanks for the info.
Where can I contact them? Directly in GameSalad or here?
I downloaded the bundle tool here:
And then run this command:
java -jar ./bundletool-all-1.13.1.jar build-apks --ks=<yourkeystorepath> --ks-key-alias=uplo<yourkeystorealias> adkey --mode=universal --<yourbundle> --output <whatyouwanttooput>.apks
Here is my example:
java -jar ./bundletool-all-1.13.1.jar build-apks --ks=/Users/adriangomez/GoogleDrive/Development/\~Keys/Android/cabagomez.keystore --ks-key-alias=uploadkey --mode=universal --bundle chancleta.aab --output chancleta.apks
Everything after this you can do from the UI/Finder, but I am lazy, so I don't like moving my hands from the keyboard.
Rename it zip:
rm name.apks to
Then I unzip it:
unzip <apks file>
I do this after I sign it, but not sure if it is necessary. The universal.apk is what you want.
And of course, a video:
Thanks a lot.
So that means, I didn't use the GameSalad signing tool but the bundletool you mentioned?
The video is private, I can't watch it
I am not sure what the official stance is. I am just showing you what I do:
Some of my steps might be redundant, but it works for me, so I am sharing.
thanks a lot.
That seems to be work now.
The funny thing it, that the new apk has a creation date of 01.01.1981 01:01 :)
But that shouldn't be a problem...