control camera

cptmagroncptmagron Member, PRO Posts: 15

I'm using a Windows machine viewing with Kindle Fire. I'm trying to get the scene to move along with the actor. I've added "control camera" to the actor. I've narrowed the camera both vertical and horizontal so that the actor should stop in the middle of the scene as the scene scrolls by. The actor keeps going and it looks like the scene isn't scrolling. Any help would be apreciated.

Thank you.


Best Answers

  • uptimistikuptimistik Posts: 306
    Accepted Answer

    Hi there!

    You'd need to ensure that the layer is set to Scrollable and if the actor is going to move away from the initial scene, it's going to need a camera offset rule. (lookup Camera Offset)

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  • cptmagroncptmagron Posts: 15
    Accepted Answer


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