Setting up AdMob
Hi, I'm not selling many games at a 1$, so I guess it's time to go with the play for free model and add in adverts.
Only working in iOS at the moment.
I have an old AdMob account from way back, so will stick with them. (Unless you guys think there is something better). Things look like they have changed a lot (since the last Cook Book update) or more likely I have forgotten a lot. lol
Can I get a little help with filling out the form on the GS end please?
AdMob only gave me one App ID number. I wish to run Interstitial Ad (I think) at the end of each game cycle. Do I just put my "AdMob ID" number in the "Legacy AdMob Ad Unit" and "Interstitial Ad Unit" boxes?
Can i test if this is working within TestFlight?
Thanks :)
maybe the other Advert service might be easier?
Hmm, I just created a new Interstitial ad unit, and at the end of the process Admob showed me both an app and ad unit ID...can you send me a pm with what you're seeing so I can guide you accordingly?
GameSalad Templates and Custom Development at the Official Marketplace:
You can ignore "Legacy AdMob Ad Unit"
Everything else should be available on the Admob Console
Here is an updated copy of the cookbook for future reference:
GameSalad Templates and Custom Development at the Official Marketplace: