Auto-renewable subscriptions

AHBGamesAHBGames Member, PRO Posts: 121

Hi, I would like to know if there is a tutorial on how to implement auto-renewable subscriptions in iOS? 🤔


  • AHBGamesAHBGames Member, PRO Posts: 121

    @adent42 🤔?

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200

    There's not a tutorial, but it's possible. I forgot the exact details but you treat them like a normal IAP with two new statuses to account for.

    'expiring' and 'expired'

    If its expiring the Subscription purchase is still active but will not renew. This gives you the opportunity to prompt the user to renew.

    If it's expired the Subscription purchase was purchased at one point, but is no longer active. This gives you the opportunity to prompt the user to renew.

    For Android, you have 'expiring' available, but not 'expired'. This is due to some data that Google doesn't provide us through their interface for now.

  • AHBGamesAHBGames Member, PRO Posts: 121

    Thanks for answering @adent42 , let's see if I understand, in both cases the user must be the one who renews, that is, it doesn't renew automatically without the user doing anything?... I want it to renew automatically without the user having to press any button to subscribe again.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200

    That's a setting on the app store side. If it's set to auto-renew, it will. From the GameSalad side we check if the subscription is active. If it was active but the user has cancelled renewal, then we'll put "expired" or "expiring"

  • AHBGamesAHBGames Member, PRO Posts: 121

    ok thanks again!

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