Loading wheel box

Hi @adent42 , any chance to remove/replace with transparent background the box around the loading wheel ?

Or to let us change it in publish or something?



  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,194

    All the targets should have an option to upload a custom loading wheel. If you upload a custom wheel, I believe the background is removed.

  • zarzirzarzir Member Posts: 133

    Hi @adent42 as @Armelline mention the background is not removed .

    I attached a pic where you can see my custom loading wheel as he spin and behind is the loading wheel background (black?).

    It's hard to see as the colors in this case are almost the same, but I'm working on an app with red & blue & white background and that would be a big problem.

    can you please take a look?

  • zarzirzarzir Member Posts: 133

    @adent42 Is there a way we can replace it ourselves in the project package ?

    Personally I'm not sure why it's needed, perhaps I'm missing something. But if not maybe consider removing the box or making it transparent?

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,194

    @zarzir it was kind of standard on iOS when we first launched it and also helps when the loading wheel is showing on a white or lighter colored surface.

    I think I never removed the background because the last time I tried, it seemed the code for the loading wheel background was tied to the loading wheel, so I gave up to do something else. I'll put this on our request list though I don't know when I'll get to it.

  • zarzirzarzir Member Posts: 133

    @adent42 so any chance to allow those who wants to, to replace the background image ourselves in the package files? should be simple and wont affect the code right?

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,194
    edited March 2022

    @zarzir not exactly, I think it's a UI element and not an image (at least on one of the platforms it is), so will likely be an option to allow you to change color (including a completely transparent color) rather than an image. I also know someone once wanted to be able to change the loading wheel position. While we're in there, that might be something to tackle as well, if it's low hanging fruit.

  • zarzirzarzir Member Posts: 133

    @adent42 changing color to transparent will be great! Please let as do that.

  • zarzirzarzir Member Posts: 133

    Hi @adent42 any news on this?

    When thinking about it since anyone can put a custom loading wheel, Maybe you can consider just changing the color to transparent as a fast fix or for good if no one will object?

  • zarzirzarzir Member Posts: 133

    Hi @adent42 sorry for the bump, still hopping this will find its way to the upcoming update, fingers crossed!

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,194

    No, we're still working on the Android RC. We won't be looking at this until after the iOS RC goes out (or maybe the same time as)

  • zarzirzarzir Member Posts: 133

    Well I'll keep waiting, hoping you can spare a little time for this .

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