Difference publishing steps between .apk file and .aab file
My last publishing is about 2 years ago, I have published the signed .apk file in MAC Book successfully. And I could install the .apk file into my Android phone to test and I could publish it on Google Play Store.
However, last night I want to publish my new GameSalad app, I cannot install the .apk file into my Android phone to test. Also, I want to publish the app on Google Play Store, but it requires me to provide the .aab file.
For these two errors, I tried to find the solution from this forum. But I still don't understand what steps by steps I can do to solve the problems. Could anyone help me with these issues? Thanks in advance.
What device are you trying to run on? Could you PM me the apk so I can check it out?
Thanks for your help, let me PM you now. Thanks a lot for your help.
@adent42 I've PM you and sent you the .apk file. Thanks for your help.