djzcreativedjzcreative Member, PRO Posts: 33

898 / 5000

Hello, I have a problem with my app, I have an actor (basically an animated finger that tells the player what to do) that is repeated in some scenes and when it spawns in the scene a flash occurs.

Has anyone had this bug? how can i fix it?

another problem encountered is on the download with the qrcode code to test the app on devices, lately it tells me that the qrcode is wrong. is it possible to solve this problem?

and finally I need an info on how to make the app compatible with various screen formats for android devices, I saw that there is a tutorial (UNIVERSAL BINARY I think but it's for IPHONE) I don't understand how to integrate pixel formats with the screen for android.

I apologize for the silly questions but I am a beginner and I am struggling a bit. Thanks for collaboration



  • uptimistikuptimistik Key Master, Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 306

    Hi there! Can you post an image of the behaviours in the finger actor?

    I'm not sure about the QR code since I've never used it before.

    The best way to implement Universal with GS is to try to design everything within a smaller 'box' making sure that nothing important (buttons, instructions etc) is placed near the edge of the scene.

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  • bob loblawbob loblaw Member, PRO Posts: 793

    if you’re talking about one of the universal build tutorials on this forum that uses “stretch” and adjusts the position of actors on a HUD layer based on the size of a device’s screen (and adjusts the camera size accordingly) it will work on android devices as well when you build or test. you just need to make sure your scene width is enough to compensate for your camera ratio adjustments. a width of 1800 should cover it if using the full starting height.

    i did my base build for my games using ipad dimensions (and im sure others do as well) because it’s the easiest to scale from to longer flatter displays.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    For the QR code @djzcreative, the URL times out, so you have to click on the QR code link every time.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    For the flashing, try making sure "Preload Art" is checked on the Actor.

  • djzcreativedjzcreative Member, PRO Posts: 33

    Thanks everyone for your help, I'll try and follow your suggestions I'll let you know.

  • djzcreativedjzcreative Member, PRO Posts: 33

    This is the actor who when he spawns creates a flash in the scene.

    the preload is active, perhaps because it is transparent?

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,380

    Are you able to reproduce the flash in a sample project you can upload to the forums?

  • djzcreativedjzcreative Member, PRO Posts: 33

    I don't know how to do it, but I will try to explain myself better, when the actor hand spawns for a moment it is as if you see the image of the hand in full screen for a split second and then the hand appears in the scene. this actor is repeated in several scenes but this defect occurs only a few times.

  • NoobDevNoobDev Member, PRO Posts: 43

    Sorry to resurrect this dead post because I couldn’t find the answer anywhere. I’m currently experiencing the same issue the OP first had and am hoping someone knows how to fix this. In the video as you transition from the shop back to the player stats screen you can see for a fraction of a second a flash with an unknown object. I slowed it down and discovered it was display rule from a different actor in the scene. What I determined to be happening is for x reason the rule is either being executed by the actor I have set up as my bg actor (which has no rules in it either in the prototype or the scene instance) OR an even more ludicrous theory is that actors appearance (and by extension its display rule) is being used as the bg actors image for a split second before its image reloads. The reason I put forth this theory is because this same glitch happens in my title menu where a random image of one of the icons will do the same thing and display itself in place of my bg image for a fraction of a second before correcting itself. This bug only happens when going from scene to scene but as far as I know only happening with these two scenes. I previously got around this by: after touch is pressed go to scene y. scene y being an empty scene where it has a rule saying when scene time is greater than 0 go to scene x, where scene x is the title menu. Boom no image glitch but I can’t rely on that method anymore if suddenly that starts happening in multiple places in this game or my others. I don’t uncheck preload art in any of my actors and the problem only shows on my test devices and not in the gs creator.

  • NoobDevNoobDev Member, PRO Posts: 43

    @adent42 are you aware of anything that would be causing this issue to occur?

  • uptimistikuptimistik Key Master, Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 306

    @NoobDev if you send a link to the project (use the support chat button) i'll see what's up

    GameSalad Templates and Custom Development at the Official Marketplace:

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    @NoobDev send a Creator 2 or publishing ( to our support for more detailed help. I have a few questions though:

    1) HTML5 or Native engine? The issue sounds like something to do with texture memory not being recycled correctly, but not sure.

    2) QR Code, can DM me your publishing link? We made some changes so that the viewer would automatically start viewing when it hit the right URL, but I might have gotten that check wrong for some cases, so I need to see what the URL behind the QR code looks like for that project.

  • NoobDevNoobDev Member, PRO Posts: 43

    Native. Sent you the publishing link.

  • NoobDevNoobDev Member, PRO Posts: 43

    Ok so I should have just listened to the OP. Apparently my issue was being caused by using a menu image that had transparency on. The artist I paid for this work must not have known to turn it off for menu backgrounds. I removed the alpha channel and now no image glitches but If its not meant to behave this way in gamesalad it might be worth fixing just in case. Thanks for your replies.

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