App Binary RC 1.25.20210510 - Updated iOS Ad Networks. Fix collision shape loading on exp files.

adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200

To get these benefits use "Build RC". It doesn't matter which version of GameSalad Creator you publish with as long as it's a version 1.25.x.

For people used to the old RC thread, I will be repeating features that are not present in the regular "Generate" build, so you know in total what you are getting with this RC. New fixes since the last RC will be in bold.

This build fixes an issue Android IAP and updates Ad Networks versions.



  • APK Expansion File Support
  • Game project loading tweaks to improve performance (smaller memory footprint, faster loading on really large files).
  • Ad Network Updates:
    • IronSrc
    • Admob 19.6.0
    • Chartboost 8.2.0
  • Support Android Social Share with Tweet Sheet Behavior
    • To get this out quickly for now: sharing an image URL does not download the image and embed it, it just appends the image URL to the message.


  • Fixed bug where FireTV would pause on launch leading to app reviewers to think the game has frozen (again).
  • Fixed bug that shows up when a scene instantly moves to another scene but takes long to load.
  • Fix bug where expansion file loading froze the game due to excess files handles held open.
  • Increase buffer size to improve loading performance from expansion files. It is still about 25% slower than loading from in APK, but should be better than the last release.
  • Fix loading of custom collision shapes in expansion files.



  • Ad Network Updates:
    • IronSrc
    • Admob 8.4.0
    • Chartboost 8.4.1
  • Tweeting with "requestIDFA" in the image and the message should bring up the TrackingAuthorizationWithCompletionHandler


  • requestIDFA now works properly as described above.



  • Fix Start in Full Screen mode having content offset.
  • Fix full screen mode staying as stretched.
  • Possibly Fix full loading on macOS versions older than 11


  • Fixed loading bug for project files larger than 5k.

Previous update:


Tracking Authorization

Ability to show tracking authorization request by using the Twitter behavior. You will need to put requestIDFA as both the message and image for that to happen.

This will allow ad networks to send a device wide device identifier, which is required in order to server personalized ads (which end up paying more than generic ads).

APK Expansion File Support

Long awaited support for APK expansion files is here! We'll be documenting things better soon, but basically there's a checkbox in publishing.

Check it and we'll generate an APK and a OBB file.

The APK should be signed as normal. The OBB file should be uploaded as your expansion file!

Some notes.

  • Expansion files are only supported on Google Play. Amazon lets you upload big APKs.
  • There's a bug in the Google Play console that prevents you from uploading an expansion file as part of your first release. So you'll need to regenerate (to increment the version code) and upload the apk again for the expansion file menu item to show.
  • No patch file support, you'll need to do a new release every time.
  • If the expansion file is not downloaded during first install, the game will just show the loading screen and the loading wheel while it waits for the download to finish.
  • We didn't add any error checking for the general release. So if you check "Expansion Files" and hit Generate you'll get an APK with no game in it, but won't be able to load the expansion file.

As usual, if you see any issues specific to this release, let us know!


  • Chris FitsimonsChris Fitsimons Member Posts: 135

    @adent42 Display text with custom fonts no longer works (broken) on Android. No text is displayed.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200

    So we did test that, I'm doing some more tests.

    I might need to take a look at your project, can you PM me your publish link?

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200

    Okay, I see a problem with expansion files. Will take a look.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200

    @Chris Fitsimons thanks for reporting. Fix is in. Luckily I just needed to adjust obb file creation to stop compressing fonts.

  • Chris FitsimonsChris Fitsimons Member Posts: 135

    Many thanks. Problem fixed.

  • Glass FrogGlass Frog Member, PRO Posts: 136

    Im not too sure if this has been reported but I don't seem to be able to change any local integer attribute, inside an actor but I can change global integer attributes fine.

    My MacBook Pro is running on Big Sur V11.2.3

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  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,200

    try getting the latest version. I think there may be a problem with auto-update we're still looking into.

  • Glass FrogGlass Frog Member, PRO Posts: 136

    Cheers @adent42 that's sorted it.

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