Setup the AdMob ad network to earn money step by step?

This is my first time to setup the AdMob ad network. <- I've followed this instruction and create my AdMob account.

However, I am confused about this step:

As I did not publish the app on Google Play yet, how should I find my app from the Google Play?

Or, should I published the app on Google Play before this step? But, I need to do this step to get the Ad Unit ID for me to Publish the app on Gamesalad page (As follow instruction).

I am so confused about the step by step. Maybe I've misunderstanding the instructions. Could anyone can help me for this issue? Thanks in advance. I really want to earn money from my app as soon as possible. Thanks a lot.


  • ForumNinjaForumNinja Key Master, Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 554

    Apologies about the confusion. The tutorials are out of date at this point and we're looking into updating them soon.

    On my end currently, adding a new app is done by clicking the add app button under the apps tab on the left side of AdMob's interface.

    Then it gives me a screen asking for the platform the app is on and whether or not it's currently published (for your case you'd select no)

    After that page, I get one asking for the name of the app and whether or not I want to use user metrics (something that can be turned on/off later as well).

    After providing a name and clicking add app the app should be created! From there you'll want to set up ad units next for the types of ads you want to show in your app (i.e interstitial, banner, or reward ads).

  • Miss ChuiMiss Chui Member, PRO Posts: 51

    @ForumNinja Thanks for your information. <-For this video, could I know whether it is out of date or not?I am a Gamesalad Pro user, but I could not see the ad preview.

    When I preview my app, the screen shown as below:

    Could I know how could I run on the iOS or Android Viewer as the mentioned? Thanks in advance.

  • pinkio75pinkio75 Member, PRO Posts: 1,217
    edited April 2021

    yes in the video you see the iAd banner; now in the GS Creator you just see the message.

    iAd advertisement banners has been suppressed by Apple.

    Anyway you just need to put the "Show banner" behaviour in the actor and choose the position.

  • Miss ChuiMiss Chui Member, PRO Posts: 51

    Thanks everyone.

    I added the banner ad to my app successfully, and I published it as Android apk file. I tried to install my app yesterday (apk installation, did not through Google Play Store) and found that the banner ad was shown successfully. However, today when I tried to open the app again, the banner ad was disappeared >_<. Also I tried to use another Android mobile to install the app, also no banner ad was shown. Could anyone can help me for this issue?

    Thanks in advance.

  • bob loblawbob loblaw Member, PRO Posts: 793

    @Lydia Chui

    I've had issues with admob on my recent app as well (on iOS only - android seems to work). I've brought it up, but @adent42 says there's no issues.

    for iOS, my admob account is showing heaps of ad requests, matches, but 0 impressions.

    I tried doing a test build again with admob iOS test IDs. seems the video interstitial was working, but not the regular interstitial. not sure if there's an issue with apps being able to download ads properly and giving enough tome to show them when called on. it is really giving me the sh!ts though.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,194

    @bob loblaw yah, we're still looking into it, but the test ads show up fine and that's about as good as we can tests. the only things I can think of are either we have misconfigured test mode or something is weird with the fill rate or configuration of the content settings if you are using those. could you resend the publishing link for your game so I can take a look again? thanks!

  • adriangomezadriangomez Member, PRO Posts: 440

    Until yesterday I had chancleta on Admob and didn't see any problems but I don't have any content settings. Let me try it again and report back.

  • bob loblawbob loblaw Member, PRO Posts: 793

    @adent42 yesterday morning (24 hours ago) i did a bunch of test builds with test ad IDs, and none of them worked. after i got home, i tried again, and rewarded interstitial didn’t work, but interstitial, interstitial video and rewarded did.

    so i’m going to try republish (again) with my IDs this morning, and see how it goes. i’ll let you know if it still doesn’t work, and if that’s the case, will send you the link.


  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,194

    Also @ForumNinja noted that he got test ads in testing but not "normal" ads, but had to agree to a new tax agreement and had a window of days to weeks before things would start working again. It might be worth looking for something like that on your console.

  • bob loblawbob loblaw Member, PRO Posts: 793

    a new tax agreement on google or apple?

  • adriangomezadriangomez Member, PRO Posts: 440

    Just an FYI: I just rebuilt and tested it on my app and it works as expected. No issues.

  • bob loblawbob loblaw Member, PRO Posts: 793

    now the test ads aren’t working for me again. bizarre. dunno if maybe there’s a time sync issue that maybe causing this, as weird as that sounds. will try again tonight.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,194

    @bob loblaw haven't looked at your stuff yet but I did find out I need to add more SKAdNetworkIDs to the plist. So hit publish again and see if it helps!

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,194

    Another thing, we're working on a release for this week or next with the latest Admob SDK. We had a bit of an issue with a full upgrade because of IronSrc, but they've since sorted out their issues, so we can too.

  • bob loblawbob loblaw Member, PRO Posts: 793

    @adent42 hitting publish again didn't work - but - I've done more dicking around, trying to figure out why test and proper ads won't work for me on iOS recently.

    on my iMac, I have been using Xcode v12.4 (12D4e) to sign and Catalina as the OS, which has been hit and mostly miss when showing ads in recent times (it worked briefly the other night but nothing since or before, and I mentioned a number of weeks back how test ads were just showing black screens back then).

    I just now tried to sign using my older MacBook Air which runs on high Sierra and Xcode v10.0 (10A255) and the ads work perfect (I still submitted to the publishing portal through the iMac because it runs faster and hit generate there too but logged in using the MacBook to sign).

    is it possible that the issues I have been encountering are related to gameSalad signing compatibility using newer versions of Xcode? I will be resubmitting to apple through the older Xcode version that hopefully works, but the Xcode compatibility thing may be worth investigating to save others grief and potential lost ad revenue, if it is causing a problem.


  • bob loblawbob loblaw Member, PRO Posts: 793

    do you have the screen screen orientation on your publish page, as your project?

    also have you checked all the required boxes on the bottom of your publish page?

    just throwing possible things out there.

  • bob loblawbob loblaw Member, PRO Posts: 793
    edited May 2021

  • bob loblawbob loblaw Member, PRO Posts: 793

    seems i may have been a little too quick on my assessment. so ads work on ad hoc builds, but not on app store builds - or that’s what’s happened for me.

    to get the ad hoc working i needed to use the request idfa tweet call, even though i have data consent for ads set to non personalized. when i generated for the app store, no message comes up at the start, and no ads display.

  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,194
    edited May 2021

    I'm working an update to admob right now. My one big observation is that without IDFA permission, reward ads don't work (even in test mode). I'm gonna work to get this release out, but I'm gonna need to add an attribute you an use to check if permission is given or not so you can prompt users to give permission to get reward ads.

    Not sure about the problems with the IDFA tweet call, but I do know that you can't reset it. So once you see the request, you can't see it again. Weirdly, changing the package name doesn't affect it, but changing the app name does. So it might be a case where you adhoc test with a different app name than the final release version.

    You can change the setting for testing by manually switching it in settings, but you'll lose access to the popup unless you uninstall and restart your phone (I think, I was testing a bunch of other stuff at the time).

  • bob loblawbob loblaw Member, PRO Posts: 793

    hi @adent42

    cheers for that tip. i have uninstalled, reinstalled then tried and no ads work. then restarted my phone as you mentioned, and now the ads work perfect (although the idfa message didn’t come up). not sure if it’ll work for current installs but by the look of it it should work for future installs.

    thank you.

    on a related note, there was a blog message board thing i read a few days ago where it said even if using non-personalized ads, you still need to use the idfa thing, which is weird because when i updated my other game a month or so back, i didn’t include that, but the ads worked.

  • bob loblawbob loblaw Member, PRO Posts: 793

    ok so a mate installed the game on his iphone, and the tracking message does work on first install and run.

  • TylertheCreator2TylertheCreator2 Member Posts: 2

    Since you haven't published your app on Google Play yet, you can still find your app on AdMob. When you add a new app on AdMob, choose "no" when it asks if your app is currently published. That must help

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