IAP issue.. Purchase does not complete.
"The activity indicator spun indefinitely when we attempted the buy the in-app purchase product."
Can anyone see why this may be occurring? This is inside the PURCHASE button...
And this is inside an actor in the same scene...
The second rule seems to say "Test Expression game.PurchaseTable contains Purchased" - that's not a valid table reference, and if you use "contained" rather than "is" it will trigger for unpurchased too as the word unpurchased contains purchased. You also do need to save the PurchaseTable, it is pulled each time the game loads when "Request Purchase Data" is triggered.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
sorry for jumping here, @Armelline we need to save the purchaseTable or it will load with the data when the "request purchase data" is called?
You also do need to save the PurchaseTable, it is pulled each time the game loads when "Request Purchase Data" is triggered.
This should read "You also do not need to save..."
Important word missed there :D
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
Thanks @Armelline
May I ask another question you might be able to answer, does the "request purchase data" still call the login popup, or is it safe to put it at the start of the game?
Thank you. I'll make those fixes.
I'm also wondering what is supposed to be in the callback attribute? In the cookbook it says "self.Callback" but when I typed that in I noticed it doesn't save and just clears blank.
The callback attribute should just be any attribute you make that you use to store the response from the server. If it's -1 it can't connect and IAPs won't be able to be processed. If you get back -1 you should keep trying it and inform the user that there is a connection error. If it's 1, you can proceed with letting them make a purchase. You don't need to save it - it needs to be checked every session anyway.
Request Purchase Data can call the popup still, as far as I'm aware, but it doesn't always do so. I would not recommend putting it at the start of the game anyway - there's literally no point even calling it unless the player specifically navigates to the IAP screen. Call it either then or (my preference) when they actually press the Buy or Restore button.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
Thanks, I will need to think how to do it as I only want remove ads with a one click button, I don't have IAP screen.
I was under the impression they fix the login popup when "Request Purchase Data" calls...
@adent42 maybe you can help on this?
Just trigger the request purchase data when they press the button then.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
Ok, I think I understand this now.
Lastly, do I need to list the Purchase table STATE as "Unpurchased"? Or should STATE just be left blank to auto-fill?
@sinbot it will autofill when you request purchase data.
Thank you. Sandbox testing works. Hopefully Apple approves now.