Spawning actors randomly?
I'm having trouble working on a spawning system that simulates randomness within a confined grid.
The best option I've considered but don't know how to implement is plotting out coordinates in a table but I don't know how to use that information as instructions for where an actor should spawn, or how to have it cycle through the coordinates in the table to give it the appearance of randomness.
Any help would be hugely appreciated! anything is better then the grid system linked up to boolean attributes I've currently designed to compensate.
Many thanks for any help guys!
Actually, I think I got this sussed. For anyone else who needs this question answered I created two real attributes in "Game" spawnX and spawnY,
Do a change attribute in each spawnX to "random(100,900)" (if you're game board is 1000x1000, fit to your scale), set it on a timer to change every
few seconds,
Then spawn actors to spawnX and spawnY and boom, random spawner.