Error- Behavior RHS??
I searched the forum for previous talks about this. I see that it has been discussed and was told this would be fixed. But I never found anything tell if its been fixed or how to fix it on our end. SO can I get a update on this error?
I published a project from a game I was working on a long time ago. Its published and now accessible in 2.0. But I cant preview it because it says there are some errors that need fixed. It says Error in Behavior RHS. I looked everywhere in the actor and cant find it or anything related to RHS.
What is it. And how do I get passed this roadblock?
Hey, I'd need to take a look at the specific project. PM me a link to the project and we can see what's up.
How do I link a project here?
I deleted the link to your project, since those links are currently public. In the future, please direct message me!
In your case it's something we need to fix in the Expression parser. The very last Change Attribute in that actor set an attribute to the expression "false", which our parser doesn't handle. I just switched it to us the value false instead and the error went away. It is definitely a bug we need to fix though in that clicking on the error should highlight the field you need to fix.