Support GameSalad and Review it!

adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199
edited January 2021 in News from the Dev Team

Some random site reached out and wanted to seed our product page with 5 reviews for a listing in a "best of" list (which is a weird way of working, but hey, at least we'll get some SEO out of it).

So if you want to help get the word out about GameSalad and you have some free time, please DM me the following by Friday Jan 15.

  • Name
  • Title
  • Text
  • Summary
  • Pros
  • Cons
  • Quality (1-5)
  • Ease of use (1-5)
  • Functionality (1-5)

If you want to save time, we can do the "Summary" from the full "text" of the review (assuming it's that long). No idea how legit this is / is not, so I'd shorten your names to first initial last name or vice versa.


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