Android Publishing - Step by Step guideline

Many years ago, I have published an app on Google Play, it was very easy to do the publishing at that time. But this week, I want to publish another app on Google Play, I found that it is more difficult than before. Many steps I need to do and many information I need to provide. Could I know are there any guideline for me to follow to complete the Google Play Console App Publishing? Hope someone can tell me how to solve this problems, I really want to publish my app on Google Play as soon as possible. Thanks in advance for your help.


  • UltraLionBluUltraLionBlu Member Posts: 157

    I have never published anything, but I hope there is a guide, it would make everything much more convenient and faster, so UP!

  • uptimistikuptimistik Key Master, Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 304

    @UltraLionBlu Here are the first three vids that take care of:

    Setting up your Mac for android publishing:

    Creating a Keystore:

    Creating an apk:

    Coming soon: Preparing your Google Play Developer Console and leaderboard/iap/achievements

    GameSalad Templates and Custom Development at the Official Marketplace:

  • bob loblawbob loblaw Member, PRO Posts: 793

    years ago, when i tried making a keystore on mac, i kept getting errors. found an app called keystore explorer, which simplified the whole process.

  • UltraLionBluUltraLionBlu Member Posts: 157

    Hi @uptimistik thanks for the videos, I have already done this part of the publication a few times to test the games on smartphones, even if I filled in the fields without understanding exactly what they were asking for, for example Android Package Name, Version Code, Visible Version, Minimum SDK .. these are things I don't know.

    But the following part remains a mystery to me, that is to connect the game to the playstore, configure the app with any ads and purchases in the app etc.

    This is because I haven't had to face that part yet;)

  • BaguvixBaguvix Member Posts: 54

    Hello @uptimistik ,thanks for the tutorials. Just one question, the download link to the folder android-sdk-macosx provided in the video description does not come with the same build version as yours in the third video (no 30.0.2 folder inside build-tools folder). Just trying to understand because you show you downloading from the same link. Could you please explain?

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