View portrati project on smartphone
I am creating a portrait project, when I install it on the mobile it is displayed horizontally, why?
To tell the truth, as soon as it is opened it is vertical, or almost, I don't have time to understand, within a quarter of a second it rotates horizontally.
I tried to create the project with both desktop and online version, same result.
Where am I doing wrong?
have you checked the right boxes for portrait settings on your gs project page? or if using universal build logic, have you adjusted the right camera values?
I have selected ipad portrait, is it not already set to be displayed correctly?
display size width 768 height 1024
scene size width 768 height 2000
camera size width 768 height 1024
It's a newly created project, I was just doing some rehearsals on how to move an actor with touch, so I'm not using a universal build.
to understand where it is vertically is how I see it on the pc and the other is the screenshot from the smartphone
Contact support (blue chat bubble on main site) and see if they can help you. Make sure to include a link to the project (
@bob loblaw @adent42
I sent a ticket. I found out that I had to select the "autorotate portrait" option I had never noticed, and I assumed it was enough to select portrait at the beginning of the project. Thanks