Missing .ipa

cagrisavancagrisavan Member, PRO Posts: 19


ipa is missing when im signing. help please ?


  • cagrisavancagrisavan Member, PRO Posts: 19

    I do everything right. I use RC Build and updated gamesalad to 1.25.99 uninstalled and reinstalled. After i click on selecting on provisioning profile and click done it does not download the ipa file but 2 days ago it was downloading it so I can't add it to Transporter. I have been trying to publish my game more than a week please help me

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,380

    Are you getting the .app file, and just not the ipa? Or are you ending up with neither? If it's just the ipa, you have to click the bottom button in the popup window - I think it says "Publish" but it's been a long time since I actually paid attention. It doesn't give you the ipa automatically.

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