Xcode doesn't ship with Application Loader anymore


All the documentations I find on Game Salad seems outdated.
1) I don't find application loader
2) itunesconnect redirects to appstoreconnect
3) I tried Transporter app as described in appstoreconnent, but it does accept *.app filetype.
Am I missing anything? Can someone please point to updated documentation?
Any help in this regard is would be appreciated.



  • kartimanukartimanu Member, PRO Posts: 7

    Or is there any setting in gamesalad where it can output *.ipa or *.pkg file instead if *.app?

  • bob loblawbob loblaw Member, PRO Posts: 793
    edited April 2020

    two options:
    1- on mac, i’m pretty sure in the very last bit of the publishing process, the bottom button on the left of the main window will still let you create and save an ipa file (not the finish button, might be labelled ‘publish’ but i can’t check right now as i’m typing this on my phone);


    2- if that button isn’t there or it doesn’t work, the slightly longer method is: create a folder; rename it ‘Payload’; drag your app file in there; compress/zip it; change the extension of the compressed file to .ipa; when asked if you’re sure you want to change the extension, click yes or ok or whatever the agree option is.

    make sure you use capital P for Payload.

    the ipa file is the one to submit to the store, not the app file. once you’ve done that, you’ll need to add it as a build for your app before you can submit your app for review. the approval time frame varies. i’ve had times where submission to approval has been a few hours and times where it’s taken a couple of days.

  • kartimanukartimanu Member, PRO Posts: 7
    edited April 2020

    Thanks for the reply. I am using latest version of GameSalad 1.25.97. I couldn't find a button or link lets me save ipa file. Here are the steps I am following to publish
    1) click publish on the GameSalad
    2) this takes me to publish.gamesalad.com
    3) Selected iOS Universal
    4) filled in the details that are marked required, uploaded few game images
    5) Clicked "Generate App" button
    6) Once I got the successful message, clicked on "Sign App"
    7) This took me back to GameSalad, where I have selected the provisioning profile which i created in my developer account.
    8) Provided with the keychain access and selected the location to save.
    9) This created my game.app
    I have double checked if I can find any option that lets me create an ipa file. No luck.

    Then I tried your second approach -
    1) Create a new folder Payload.
    2) Dragged and Dropped my game.app into it
    3) Right clicked on Payload folder and selected compress.
    4) This created a Payload.zip file.
    5) Renamed the Payload.zip to Payload.ipa
    6) confirmed to use .ipa

    Then Opened Transporter App, dragged and dropped the Payload.ipa.
    Result: Failed to create the .itmsp for 'Payload.ipa'.
    No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier 'com.mycompany.myappname' is correct.

    I have reverified the bundle Id and it is matching with the one I created in my developer account.

    Am I missing or doing something different?


  • bob loblawbob loblaw Member, PRO Posts: 793

    is the bundle app identifier on your app the same one you’ve used for your certificate and provisioning profile in apple? also, i think generate rc is meant to work better than generate app when you publish.

  • kartimanukartimanu Member, PRO Posts: 7

    Works!!! Thank you very much. I changed the display name to match the app name in my developer account and did Build RC. Not sure if it is the "Build RC" or changing the Display Name or Both.

  • bob loblawbob loblaw Member, PRO Posts: 793


  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,194

    For iOS you should no longer need "Build RC". The RC currently only has some code (in a pre-release state) for handling subscriptions. So the normal Generate should be fine now.

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