Issue with the First Tutorial
I've completed the first tutorial located here ->
Everything worked well, except for one item. When the Player dies, it spawns the Explosion Actor. Everything works well, except that the new Player's movement is slower than it was before. After a couple of more deaths, the Player will no longer move. Any thoughts on how to fix this? I've reviewed every setting in all the Behaviors and cannot find any that disagree with how the tutorial Behaviors are set.
Also, seems silly that the Player must also collect the Level Exit image to move to the next level when collecting 3 gems is the criteria to finish a level. How can this be changed?
This was posted a day ago so hopefully you have solved the problem on your own and are coming up with lots of other questions and then self answering them through trial and error and piecing together the logic... as for the level exit, it was just an example of what could be done. And lots and lots can be done. Some things you figure out on your own and some you will watch tutorials and read the forum. In the end, i find it much more rewarding building a game, rather than playing one. Keep at it and good luck!
without having looked at the tutorial, chances are there is a variable that counts how many gems are collected, and one that checks if the exit has been touched/collected.
there’s also going to be a rule in an actor somewhere that says when all these conditions are true (gems= 3, exit = 1/true or something like that), end level is true. typically that rule would be found somewhere in the player actor or in a scene controller actor.