Need help scrolling up/down scene
I made a scene with a long terminology listing. I'm not sure how to make the scene scrollable via swipe up/down the y axis. Even the camera doesn't seem to be orienting. I want the camera to be locked at the top of the screen and the user should then be able to swipe down (or back UP) to scroll the content.
Scene is setup as...
t-shirt booth/gshelper had a couple of really good videos on youtube that show how you can do swipe controls to cycle through a scene, or how to cycle items through a scene.
Check out this demo:
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I suppose I could roll with that. Unfortunately it doesn't look modern enough for my needs. Also would create hours of additional work typing up all the tables content. I literally just need to be able to scroll down the scene (I already have the literary content written up and into idea why this pmported as a png
I may be misunderstanding your setup but if you have a really long scene, then you probably just need to move the camera along it vertically to "scroll."
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
if i'm reading properly what you are trying to do, this swipe control tutorial from @tshirtbooth can be applied with a little bit tweaking:
Here is an example of one way to do this. This has been posted before but I couldn't easily find it in a search.
that there is a really good demo. really like how the menus snap back.
@bob loblaw -- glad you like it!
If memory serves me correctly, a demo similar to this convinced Steve Jobs to go ahead with development of the iPhone. Very, very early on, they showed a prototype to him and called it "kinetic scrolling". He loved it and decided on the spot to keep the prototyping going. He later called it "inertial scrolling" and the "rubber band" effect. I think Apple still holds the patent to it!
This looks perfect! Ty : )> @RThurman said:
@sinbot -- Glad you might find it useful! It there are three columns (actors) of text. Each column (actor) shows a slightly different way to get the scrolling (and rubber band) effect. Hopefully the principles found in each actor will help you figure out your needs.
This is set up is probably different than you want. It has an actor moving up and down to simulate scrolling. But if I read your original post correctly, you want to move the scene cameral up and down to simulate scrolling. (While a different need... I hope you can see the principles involved from the above example.)