Advertising for my game
Hello guys, I recently built a game on android platform and I wanted to know how to get many downloads for the game. Should I advertise it on Google ads? How do most people handle this problem?
I want to make some money out of it and I feel if I don't advertise it, I won't be getting any downloads.
Word of Mouth works best for Indie Designers. Post on Game Forums.
Advertising through money will not be easy on your pockets.
If you want to use the same Ads Medium that we use for showing ads in our games.
there are other ways to monetize your app without using ads
i have used facebook ads, twitter and google ads. i think for me google ads worked best but not make a huge difference, while running the ads i get a few more downloads but as soon as i stop it go back to normal, i don't think it worth the money, maybe if the game have already good downloads it will help it to push it more.
and i have games i didn't promote in any website, social media or paid ads and have performed way better. So i spend my effort making games more frequently and release it to the wild to se if it survive by its own XD
The best marketing I found was using influencers. If you have a budget and concentrate on a certain audience (like a a small country like the UK), using influencers could boost you up the charts a lot faster then using paid installs. I threw £300 at 4 influencers, the main one was £200 and the others were 30 and 70. Main results were from the main influencer as he had a great following. The game didn't gain traction enough to climb the charts but im confident that if I have a higher budget and targeted a different smaller country (like the UK) I could have pulled it off.
Where exactly can we find such influencers?