Problems running Gamesalad

patricia.bradypatricia.brady Member, PRO Posts: 49


Gamesalad freezes continuously and I have to force quit.
It also sometimes shuts down of its own accord.

I've done the following recently:
-upgraded to Gamesalad Pro
-upgraded to Mojave so that I could download Xcode.

I'm working on a MacBook Air mid 2012. Wonder if I just need a new computer? :#

Thank you,




  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,199

    Which version of GameSalad are you using?

  • patricia.bradypatricia.brady Member, PRO Posts: 49


  • patricia.bradypatricia.brady Member, PRO Posts: 49
    edited April 2019

    Dear @Adent42,

    I'm also having a problem signing my App when publishing.
    I've tried Build RC & Generate App, the error is the same:

    I'm running Xcode Version 10.2 (10E125).

    I'd be very grateful for your help.

    Many thanks,


  • AlkaPPAlkaPP Member, PRO Posts: 194

    2012 not bad. Mine even older 2011. I’m using gamesalad 12.5.95 Mac Sierra High xCode 10.1. I signed mine with build rc and had some errors at the beginning. After spoke to @adent42, I got mine worked.

    What’s your iPhone iOS version?

    My Gamesalad Games On App Store:

    Greedy Chubby:

  • patricia.bradypatricia.brady Member, PRO Posts: 49
    edited April 2019


    My iPhone 6s IOS version is 12.2.

    How did you get past the error @AlKaPP?
    @adent42 is there a way around?

    Thank you,


  • AlkaPPAlkaPP Member, PRO Posts: 194

    I didn't have the iPhone SDK problem. I got problem with the application loader (Xcode 9.x) and generated my app with the normal generator.

    After upgraded the Xcode to 10.1 and generated with the RC Build. The problem solved. My phone IOS is 11.4.

    So actually all of your versions are newer than mine. I did have other errors too but it was just about missing app icon, uploaded the zip file instead of ipa, and some other small bugs.

    It was very frustrating to track down the issues since sometimes they gave us the error message like "missing asset catalog" but it's actually missing an app icon.

    Sorry for a long read but still not getting you direct help with your error. What I'm trying to tell you is that you might not need a new computer now since my even my older computer works fine.

    My Gamesalad Games On App Store:

    Greedy Chubby:

  • patricia.bradypatricia.brady Member, PRO Posts: 49

    Thank you @AlkaPP
    Hopefully it's just a blip that will soon be sorted.

  • Goodnight GamesGoodnight Games NYCMember, PRO Posts: 184
    edited April 2019

    @AlkaPP did you ever get this error message :

    I updated xcode to 10.2 and have the latest version of gamesalad. I'm trying to sign and submit to apple and i'm getting this error with the red x.

  • AlkaPPAlkaPP Member, PRO Posts: 194

    @Goodnight Games yes I got that error. Try to generate your app using the Build RC button would take care that error.

    Let’s me know if it works for you.

    My Gamesalad Games On App Store:

    Greedy Chubby:

  • Goodnight GamesGoodnight Games NYCMember, PRO Posts: 184

    @AlkaPP nice it went through to application loader just fine and didn't get the error. now will see if i run into any other errors lol. thanks a lot. :)

  • AlkaPPAlkaPP Member, PRO Posts: 194

    @Goodnight Games all good? Did you get your app successfully uploaded to your itunesconnect?

    My Gamesalad Games On App Store:

    Greedy Chubby:

  • patricia.bradypatricia.brady Member, PRO Posts: 49

    @Goodnight Games the only error I get is:

    ...when I try to sign the provisioning profile certificate.
    I haven't the faintest idea what to do :#
    Any ideas?

    Hope you get published!


  • patricia.bradypatricia.brady Member, PRO Posts: 49

    Hello, my game works fine with the Gamesalad Viewer on my iPad but not on my this related to the SDK error??


  • patricia.bradypatricia.brady Member, PRO Posts: 49


    Does this help:


  • AlkaPPAlkaPP Member, PRO Posts: 194

    @patricia.brady can you show me how to test my app on viewer? I tried last time but the viewer 1.25.80 doesn’t work on the new version of Gamesalad creator.

    My Gamesalad Games On App Store:

    Greedy Chubby:

  • patricia.bradypatricia.brady Member, PRO Posts: 49

    @AlkaPP just download the Gamesalad viewer from the App Store to your iPhone/ipad... when the device and your mac are on wifi and an icon will appear next to the Gamesalad Creator Preview button, you just press this, and hey presto you're off!

    Hope that helps.


  • AlkaPPAlkaPP Member, PRO Posts: 194

    Supposed to be that simple but mine just stuck at loading. I thought it was the version issue

    My Gamesalad Games On App Store:

    Greedy Chubby:

  • patricia.bradypatricia.brady Member, PRO Posts: 49

    ...sorry @AlkaPP I don't know how to help...hope someone else can.

  • patricia.bradypatricia.brady Member, PRO Posts: 49

    ...with @adent42's guidance I simply reinstalled Xcode and hey presto everything worked!! Happy days :)

  • AlkaPPAlkaPP Member, PRO Posts: 194

    @patricia.brady congrats

    My Gamesalad Games On App Store:

    Greedy Chubby:

  • patricia.bradypatricia.brady Member, PRO Posts: 49

    @patricia.brady said:

    Gamesalad freezes continuously and I have to force quit.
    It also sometimes shuts down of its own accord.

    I've done the following recently:
    -upgraded to Gamesalad Pro
    -upgraded to Mojave so that I could download Xcode.

    I'm working on a MacBook Air mid 2012. Wonder if I just need a new computer? :#

    Thank you,


    Anyone else having this problem? I've been staring at the spinning wheel for over a week now.

  • AlkaPPAlkaPP Member, PRO Posts: 194

    What’s the RAM of your laptop?

    My Gamesalad Games On App Store:

    Greedy Chubby:

  • patricia.bradypatricia.brady Member, PRO Posts: 49

  • AlkaPPAlkaPP Member, PRO Posts: 194
    edited April 2019

    4gb might be too little to handle all the latest version. I upgraded My 2011 from 4gb to 16gb which solved a lot of slow and frozen issues. You might need to install some extra RAM

    My Gamesalad Games On App Store:

    Greedy Chubby:

  • patricia.bradypatricia.brady Member, PRO Posts: 49

    ...thank you @AlkaPP, looks like it's time to upgrade

  • Goodnight GamesGoodnight Games NYCMember, PRO Posts: 184


    this is the mac i have at the moment and recently updated the os. its not exactly the same problem as yours, but game salad preview has been severely slowed down. i can't even click on buttons with out it freezing for a bit. it usually takes me a 10+ clicks on a menu button just to navigate through. trying to figure out how to deal with this at the moment.

  •[email protected] Member, PRO Posts: 12

    @Goodnight Games

    Me too same problem.
    recently osx upgrade too.

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,380
    edited April 2019

    @Goodnight Games said:

    this is the mac i have at the moment and recently updated the os. its not exactly the same problem as yours, but game salad preview has been severely slowed down. i can't even click on buttons with out it freezing for a bit. it usually takes me a 10+ clicks on a menu button just to navigate through. trying to figure out how to deal with this at the moment.

    Same here. Makes working nearly impossible. @adent42 Any ideas on what's going on?

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,380

    This is such a big problem I rolled my system back to High Sierra. Never like Mojave anyway.

  • AlchimiaStudiosAlchimiaStudios Member Posts: 1,069
    edited April 2019

    I just wanted to chime in that i've also been having issues with Mojave and using the creator's previewer. It has been crashing quite often and performs poorly when it does it work. Using the latest version of GS. Cant really use it on my new Mac mini 2018, 10.14.3 because of this issue sadly. Been working off a Macbook pro running Sierra 10.12.6 instead.

    Oddly enough this happens (performance issues and crashing) on a game that's been published and running as .app on Mojave, but not other OS's. Same build works fine on Older OS's with no issues.

    Any idea what's going on @adent42 ?

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