Output HTML5 but have error which APK havenot, how can i correct it?
in Tech Support
Hello everyone, i want to ask that when i output HTML5 in the server but have error which APK havenot, how can i correct it?
i didnot mean that someone help me to solve but i really don't know how to solve bugs which just happen in H5
Please describe the bugs. There are some known differences between HTML5 and Native engines (and likely unknown ones). If it's too specific to your game, try contacting the support team as they have experience finding work-a-arounds to some issues.
example: some actor disappear in HTML5, and some setting is error so that the game cannot play normally.
Because of the apk ver have not those error, i donnot know how to correct it by Gamesalad?
Please contact support via the blue chat button on the bottom right, they may be able to help.
I have call them at about one week ago, until now no reply>.<
anyone help>.<?