admob interstitial
in Tech Support
Hi guys, i have created some apps and i'm tryng to put inestitial ad with Admobs.
1) i have created interstitial id code in admob
2) i past the id code in gamesalad - services - admob
3) i flaged the admob interstitial
4) i created the apk
5) of course in the change of sene in the game i putted option "AD INERTSITIAL
when i test the game on mobile nothing appens when change page... no ads....
may be i make some mistake?
Did you create a game attribute called privateDataConsentForAds and set it to 1?
hi simpler!!! thanks for the answer.
i'm publishing for both android and Ios. where i can finde those "WRITE EXTERNAL_STORAGE and...."?
there is any toutorial?
Hi gizzi93, i just created privateDataConsentForAds and set it to 1 ... and i checked "WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions"... i need to use the attribute in some actor or i have just to create it?
just need to create it and set it to 1. if you want to be sure (but i don't think you need to do this), just create a dummy invisible actor with a change attribute behaviour that set privateconsentforads to 1 and place it at the bottom of the bottom most layer of your opening scene.
Is is necessary for the atteibute though?
if you want to use ads, i believe so.
i'll tru like this. I'll make you know if it will work