Admob's banner-ads (320x50) for Android not showing
Any ideas?
I'm publishing with 1.25.94 using Generate button... I get requests in the admob stats, but I have not gotten an actual impression in over 3 weeks... any ideas?
Any ideas?
I'm publishing with 1.25.94 using Generate button... I get requests in the admob stats, but I have not gotten an actual impression in over 3 weeks... any ideas?
have you checked the locations of the requests?
i’m just thinking out loud so no idea if i’m right. i thought the way the ads worked, admob sends a request and there’s some sort of automated bid process on the ad networks, so if someone in a small poor economy country is playing it, there may be no bids to advertise, compared to if someone in usa or canada is playing, there should be a bid higher than a lot of places. your requests may just not be getting bids at the time they’re happening.
that’s my understanding of how it works but would be happy to be corrected if i’m wrong.
@bob loblaw You are right about that. I do live in a 3rd world country, but:
• in my iPhone version of the game, admob does get about 45% of the impressions requested.
• in my Android version of the game, admob does get about 25% of the impressions requested... but I haven't seen any on my personal cel for about 3 weeks (Since I updated my game, 3 weeks ago)... and I'm fearing that the impressions that do come about are of people's older version of the game (before 3 weeks ago, because they haven't updated the game... maybe) My cel used to get impressions everyday many times, 3 weeks ago...
So I'm thinking it has something to do with "GameSalad 1.25.94 - Generate Button"
i was talking about the location of the people who are playing your game, rather than where you live. where you live shouldn’t matter for the ad generation.
if you sign into adsense, you should be able to see a breakdown of the countries in the reports.
other than that, i have no other ideas as to why you aren’t getting impressions. if i think of, or see anything else i’ll post. hope you get it sorted soon.