Rock n Roll Football has arrived!!

I'm proud to announce Rock n Roll Football's premiere day in the Appstore! If you got the time, go by and check it out!
Also, all constructive feedback is greatly appreciated! It would be great to here some thoughts from other GS developers.
Also, all constructive feedback is greatly appreciated! It would be great to here some thoughts from other GS developers.

Bought this, as I like all your games
Played through it all to the end, and here are my thoughts:
Nice typewriter! Name entry was a nice touch!
I like the look of it - it's very unique
I really liked the 'cool' meter
It's very responsive - controls are good
Animations are fun
What didn't work:
I played through to the end and got over 100,000 points! I can't prove it to you, because the score wasn't saved when I started the game again (not shut down and start - once I'd finished I went back to the main menu and the high score was 0000000
When a shot went 'straight' for my player, it was difficult to tell if it was left or right. Too many shots got past me with those particular shots.
I sometimes found it difficult to tell if a shot was going wide or not. A shadow would help judge this, but I'm guessing would remove some challenge!
What I'd suggest:
These are just a few suggestions - you can ignore all of them of course - it's your game. and I like it! But from my perspective:
Consider putting a 'cool' meter in the top left corner - this will show how well or badly the player is doing while playing the game - think 'Guitar Hero' (which I'm guessing was an influence!)
Consider putting in an 'action' button. There were times when I was thinking 'he should do something NOW - there's time! But because I had no control over his actions, he did nothing. If I had a button to trigger an action, I would be more in control of my destiny! But that might make it too easy!
Following on from that you could consider having 'two' action buttons - think 'light and heavy' attacks in Streetfighter. You'll get less points and coolness for a 'light' action, but it's faster. A 'Heavier' action would take longer, but if you pull it off then you get more points and cool factor.
Anyway, again, I enjoyed another of your games! Great stuff, and I look forward to expanding my collection with your next game!
Hope that helps,
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Highscore not being saved... That's just crazy, I thought I'd tested that. Thanks for letting me know.
"When a shot went 'straight' for my player, it was difficult to tell if it was left or right. Too many shots got past me with those particular shots."
I've understood that the controls are a bit confusing. When the ball goes straight for the player, you press in the middle of the control bar, and it will block straight ahead. The arrows on the control bar are not meant to be buttons, but to be indicators of how the bar can me moved. I will have to make this clerarer somehow, not sure how.
An action button is a good idea. The only thing is that I wanted to keep it really simple, but a button that randomizes a cool move would probably make better gameplay. As it is now, you kinda just wait and watch. I'll seriously consider that. And a light and heavy attack.. heh heh heh! That's such a good idea... But two more buttons... Won't people be so confused they'll !@#$% themselves!?
Coolness meter in the corner; I understand what you say. I kinda like the suspense at the end, to see if you're cool enough or not though. Maybe just me...
I'm really glad you enjoyed playing it, and thanks again for all your feedback!
It doesn't show in the main menu though, you have to enter options to see it... I guess that's a bit hazy, I should change it to be displayed in the main menu as well. Could you go into options and see if it's displayed there?
Remember - any suggestions I make are just those! I'm not telling you how your game should be!
I tried your game again - on opening it up, there was my high score - 109k
I went into options - the high score now displayed 0.
I came out of options, back to the main page, and my high score was 0.
I closed down the app, started fresh, and the main screen again had 109k as the high score.
Something is going wrong somewhere with that! I'd check your logic mate - it's an easy mistake to make!
Anyway, hope that helps and good luck!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Of course you're not! I really like getting suggestions, it freshens up your view on your game and it gives inspiration, and energy to improve it further.
Weird about the highscore. I'll deal with it. Thanks for checking!